Cima dei Diaoli   21889
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1 Cauriol, 2494
2 Spigolo del Coronon
3 Col del Vento, 2647
4 Cima Cece, 2754
5 Cima dei Paradisi, 2206
6 Cima Spiadon, 2230
7 Corno di Val Regana, 2614
8 Conte Moro, 2407
9 Cimadasta, 2847
10 Cima Corma, 2507


Aufnahmestandort: Cima dei Diaoli (2808 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 25-09-2016
Cima dei Diaoli (the summit of the devils) is also called Piccola Cimadasta (little Cimadasta) since it is the second elevation of the massif, 40 m lower than the main summit. It is visited very seldom, also because it is already seen as an element of the northern, wilder side of the mountain.



Looks like Cimadasta chose to show its dark side to the devils. Sounds consistent. Cheers, Martin
23.01.2017 21:05 , Martin Kraus
You captured perfectly the content of the picture.
Last Sunday, for contrast, I was on the sunny side of Cimadasta. The view was gorgeous. I hope to have collected something reflecting this.
Cheers, Alberto.
24.01.2017 11:42 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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