Bishorn   25899
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Aufnahmestandort: Bishorn (4153 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Rolando
Gebiet: Walliser Alpen      Datum: 19/08/2009
A 360° panorama from the top of Bishorn (4153m) on a clear day. The imposing Weisshorn stands over a bunch of 4000 in the background.
Thank you Darius for providing me the coordinate!


Great sight. Long: 7.714977, Lat.: 46.117960 should be right. The horizon seams to be a bit wavy.
03.07.2010 11:54 , Darius Müller-Wohlfahrt
Thank you Darius for your feedback.
I didn't noticed it before, but the horizon seems to be a little uneven, I'll straighten it up as soon as possible...

03.07.2010 19:59 , Andrea Rolando

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Andrea Rolando

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