Passo della Rossa - Geisspfad   33736
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1 Punta della Rossa 2888m
2 2498m
3 Bietschhorn 3934m
4 Nesthorn 3824m
5 Geisshorn 3740m
6 Aletschhorn 4193m
7 Passo della Rossa
8 Grenze
9 Geisspfadsee
10 Unter Schinhorn 2897m
11 Punta di Valdeserta / Gross Schinhorn 2939m
12 Mittelberg 2878m
13 2808m
14 Passo di Crampiolo 2553m


Aufnahmestandort: Passo della Rossa - Geisspfad (2474 m)      Fotografiert von: Stefano Caldera
Gebiet: Walliser Alpen      Datum: 24 Sept 2011
Making my way to the Punta di Valdeserta.. unfortunately on the spectacular summit I found a lot a lot of clouds. So I hereby declare the Grosses Schinhorn / Punta di Valdeserta summit off limits for anyone until I get on the top on a perfect weather day!

11 images
Canon EOS 7D
EF 17-40 F/4 L
17mm, F/8, 1/500s


have you built all these stone figures so nobody can find the way to the summit??! :)
26.09.2011 21:36 , Uta Philipp
Got me!
Anyway, it is true that from here to the summit there is no one-only stoneman or trace. Someone had my same idea (what a luck, I didn't have to move all them here)
26.09.2011 21:47 , Stefano Caldera
Funny stony place !!
28.09.2011 19:48 , Christoph Seger

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Stefano Caldera

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