Enrosadira sulla Roda di Vael   33986
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1 Catinaccio (Rosengartenspitze) 2981
2 Cima Sforcella (Tscheiner Spitze) 2810
3 Roda di Vael (Rotwand) 2806
4 Masare' 2727


Aufnahmestandort: Passo Costalunga (near)      Fotografiert von: Giuseppe Marzulli
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 2 ottobre 2011
Enrosadira is a Ladin word which literally means "to become rose-coloured". At sunset on days with a special atmosphere, this phenomenon caused by the special composition of calcium carbonate and magnesium, gives the rocky walls of the Dolomites a rosy colour that gradually turns to purple.


König Laurins Rosengarten: da blüht er ... LG Alexander
03.10.2011 21:55 , Alexander Von Mackensen
Yes, I should mention the legend of King Laurin. After all, Rosengartner is the Rose Garden. Seeing the photo, perhaps is clear the reason.
03.10.2011 22:13 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Bicromia perfetta 
Tra l'altro (ma non per questo motivo) la Roda de Vael in tedesco viene chiamata Rotwand.
Enrosadira, Rosengarten, Roda, Rotwand: quanti richiami al rosso!
Ciao, Alvise
04.10.2011 08:51 , Alvise Bonaldo

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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