Dolomiti del Boite   134197
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1 Croda Rossa d'Ampezzo
2 Cristallo
3 Croda Negra
4 Sorapiss
5 Monti della Caccia Grande
6 Tre Sorelle
7 Torre dei Sabbioni
8 Forcella Grande
9 Corno del Doge
10 Cima Belprà
11 Cima Bastioni
12 Cima Scottèr
13 Antelao


Aufnahmestandort: Campi di Rutorto (2100 m)      Fotografiert von: Alvise Bonaldo
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 3.3.2012
Boite flumen ex Crucis campibus oritur, ab imis radicibus montis parvis fontibus se colligit; inde concitatus per villas transit Amplicii, denique in Plavis flumen suas aquas infundit.


not much snow this year!!
13.03.2012 08:17 , Uta Philipp
Il panorama è bellissimo, in effetti il commento in latino ci sta bene!
13.03.2012 08:57 , Beatrice Zanon
@ Beatrice 
Tutto considerato, come lingua franca il latino è decisamente preferibile all'inglese... Spero che gli amici germanofoni siano d'accordo!
Ciao, Alvise
13.03.2012 09:45 , Alvise Bonaldo
13.03.2012 12:16 , Valentino Bedognetti
Sehr schönes Licht ;-)

LG Hans
13.03.2012 14:24 , Johann Ilmberger
Credo varietatem lucis imaginis huius maxime speciosam.
Solum existimo - si brevem sententiam aperire possum - quod regem deceat maiorem copiam pixelum super cacumen eius habere, ne maiestas regis ipsius elegantiaque propinqui nimbi minutae sint!
13.03.2012 17:22 , Pedrotti Alberto
Hast Du extra lange gewartet bis das wunderbare Motiv kam?!
Sehr eindrücklich!
Gruss Walter
13.03.2012 18:31 , Walter Schmidt
Alberte, tu quoque?!?! 
Pro certo verba tua veridica sunt; laeva aliunde parte deficiente, prospectionis causa, necesse fuit illis Dolomiticorum montium Regis caput inepto caelo exornare.
Ave atque vale, Alvise.
13.03.2012 22:59 , Alvise Bonaldo
Bellissima Alvise!!

14.03.2012 23:49 , Gerhard Eidenberger
AP goes latin? 
Hello Alvise. Both the clouds over the mountains and the whole feeling about it is very good, I think. LG Jan.
16.03.2012 17:39 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
I see, I have to reactivate my latin. Is this to be the Esperanto of a.-p.??
Herzlichst Christoph
17.03.2012 18:35 , Christoph Seger
Of course I was exceeding! 
Anyway it's true that latin language isn't dead at all; it survives not only in all neolatin speeches, but also in anglosaxon ones; besides, the most part of Western scientific, philosophic and humanistic culture is in debt to Latin (and to Greek, too). So, it wouldn't be so strange to consider Latin as the European free language...
Ciao, Alvise
18.03.2012 09:43 , Alvise Bonaldo
Lieber Thomas Janeck
Bitte lass uns wissen, ob die Massenbewertung mit Null-Sternen nun zu Deiner normalen unreflektierten Routine wird. Ich möchte Dich auf diesem Weg wissen lassen, dass ich diese Vorgangsweise verabscheue.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Christoph

Dear Thomas Janeck
Please let us know, if mass-voting with zero stars now becomes your regular unreflected routine. I would like to let you know, that I think, that this way of voting is disgusting.
Kind regards Christoph
02.09.2012 12:04 , Christoph Seger

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Alvise Bonaldo

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