Pizzo Tresero |
Königsspitze 3.855m |
Pederfick 3.114m |
Zebru 3.740m |
Ortler 3.905m |
Tabarettaspitze 3.128m |
Trafoier Eiswand 3.565m |
Payerhütte |
Hochleitenspitze 2.798m |
Hintere Madatschspitze |
Kristallspitzen 3.480m |
Tuckettspitze 3.462m |
Payerspitze 3.446m |
Geisterspitze 3.467m |
Hohe Schneide 3.434m |
Trafoier Tal |
Punta del Naso 3.272m |
Pizzo Campaccio 3.143m |
Monte Scorluzzo 3.095m |
Korspitz 2.933m |
Cima de Piazzi 3.439m |
Rötlspitz 3.025m |
Cima Viola 3.374m |
Furkelspitz 3.004m |
Pizzo di Dosde 3.280m |
Scima da Saoseo 3.264m |
Corno di Dosde 3.232m |
Monte Braulio 2.979m |
Piz Umbrail 3.033m |
Piz Varuna 3.453m |
Monte della Guardia 2.621m |
Piz Palü 3.900m |
Piz Schumbraida 3.124m |
Bellavista 3.888m |
Piz Bernina 4.049m |
Pizzo Bianco 3.995m |
Piz Chavalatsch 2.763m |
Piz Tea Fondada 3.144m |
Piz Morteratsch 3.751m |
Piz Tschierva 3.546m |
Piz Corvatsch 3.451m (72km) |
Piz Murtaröl 3.180m |
Monte Plagabella 2.534m |
Piz Languard 3.262m |
Glurnser Köpfl 2.395m |
Monte Cassa del Forno 3.140m |
Piz Güglia 3.380m |
Piz Dora 2.951m |
Cima Paradiso 3.028m |
Münstertal |
Piz Chaschauna 3.070m |
Piz Bever 3.230m (71km) |
Piz Saliente 3.048m |
Piz Picuogl 3.333m |
Piz Ot 3.246m |
Piz Terza 2.910m |
Piz Calderas 3.397m (76km) |
Piz d'Err 3.378m |
Piz da l'Acqua 3.126m |
Piz Serra 3.095m |
Piz dal Diavel 3.062m |
Piz Quattervals 3.165m |
Piz Kesch 3.418m |
Piz Starlex 3.075m |
Lorenziberg 3.021m |
Cima dei Greppi 2.720m |
Piz Vallatscha 3.021m |
Tellakopf 2.527m |
Piz d'Astras 2.980m |
Piz Tavrü 3.168m |
Piz Vadret 3.229m |
Piz Sarsura 3.178m |
Arundakopf 2.879m |
Piz Foraz 3.092m |
Piz Laschadurella 3.046m |
Piz Plavna Dadaint 3.166m |
Cima Valdassa 3.049m |
Piz Sesvenna 3.204m |
Muntpitschen 3.162m |
Piz da la Crappa 3.122m |
Piz Zuort 3.119m |
Piz dals Vades 3.140m |
Piz Pisoc 3.173m |
Piz Madlain 3.099m |
Piz Linard 3.411m |
Piz Cristanas 3.092m |
Piz San Jon Dadaint 3.093m |
Watles 2.555m |
Verstanclahorn 3.298m |
Piz Lischana 3.105m |
Kl. Piz Buin |
Piz Buin 3.312m |
Silvrettahorn 3.244m |
Augstenspitze 3.228m |
Piz Tasna 3.179m |
Krone 3.188m |
Fluchthorn 3.399m |
Hochjoch 2.593m |
Elferspitz 2.926m |
Gamspleisspitze 3.014m |
Stammerspitze 3.254m |
Muttler 3.294m |
Ometto 2.482m |
Kuchenspitze 3.148m |
Piz Malmurainza 3.038m |
Seekopfe 3.061m |
Saumspitze 3.039m |
Großhorn 2.628m |
Piz Mundin 3.146m |
Piz Alpetta 2.975m |
Habicherkopf 2.901m |
Klopeierspitze 2.918m |
Mittereck 2.908m |
Hoher Riffler Verwall 3.168m |
Hexenkopf 3.035m |
Costa Sabbiosa 2.817m |
Cima di Serres 2.955m |
Furgler 3.004m |
Jalaunt 2.899m |
Danzebell 3.148m |
Portlesspitze 3.074m |
3.160m |
Matschertal |
3.168m |
Südl. Valvelspitze (Falwell) 3.360m |
Valvelscharte |
Gawelzferner |
Pleresspitze |
Nördl Valvelspitze |
Gawelzspitze |
Freibrunner 3.355m |
Äußerer Bärenbartkogel |
Innerer Bärenbartkogel |
Matscher Ferner |
Weißkugel 3.738m |
EOS400D 26QF 100mm f/13 1/400s ISO200
Frohe Ostern schon mal und ich bin dann mal wieder weg :-)
28 Mal
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it is only an extract of a much longer series but found it interesting to start with North face and end up with South faces. The colour temperature is consistently set to 6019° (according to Lightroom) - so actually a little into "warm". You can see a weather front coming from WSW where in the North there was still blue sky. Glad you like it ! HJ
und geniesse auch den Wandel vom Winter in den Frühling,
wohin du wahrscheinlich schon wieder unterwegs bist (;-)
lg Fredy
LG, Toni
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