Monte Bar 360°   53641
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1 M.S.Primo 1686m
2 M.Palanzone 1435m
3 M.Bolettone 1320m
4 Colmegnone 1378m
5 Sasso Gordona 1406m
6 M.Generoso 1701m
7 M.Boglia 1516m
8 Sighignola 1303m
9 M.S.Giorgio 1097m
10 Lago di Lugano
11 M.Pravello 1015m
12 M.Orsa 993m
13 M.S.Salvatore 912m
14 C.Pescia 835m
15 M.Minisfreddo 1037m
16 M.Piambello 1129m
17 C.Dei Fiori 1226m
18 Nave 989m
19 M.della Colonna 1203m
20 M.Gradiccioli 1936m
21 M.Rosa 4633m
22 M.Tamaro 1961m
23 M.Leone 3553m
24 Scherbadung 3210m
25 Lago Maggiore
26 Aletschhorn 4195m
27 Finsteraarhorn 4274m
28 Basodino 3274m
29 Rasiva 2684m
30 di Redorta 2804m
31 P.zo di Vogorno 2442m
32 Madone 2395m
33 dell'Uomo 2390m
34 Gaggio 2267m
35 Piz Cristallina 3128m
36 Piz Uffiern 3013m
37 Toedi 3614m
38 Rheinwaldhorn 3402m
39 P.zo di Claro 2727m
40 Camoghe' 2228m
41 M.Gazzirola 2116m
42 Sasso Basciotta 2073m
43 M.Bar 1816m


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Bar (1816 m)      Fotografiert von: Marco Nipoti
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 26.03.2012
Typical summer day warmness while climbing Monte Bar (or Monte Baru in Tessiner)
The worst hour to take pictures: 13 o'clock DST while on the summit, but had no other chance.
70' instead of 120' to climb + 25°C = much job for the washing machine once at home :D

Canon EOS 40D - Canon 17-40L USM @28mm


Bellissima Marco!!!

BR Gerhard.
11.04.2012 15:42 , Gerhard Eidenberger
Nice Panoramic Marco. I noticed that the summits have less snow than last year at this time. Regards Bruno.
11.04.2012 17:54 , Bruno Schlenker
Ein herrlicher Rundblick!
12.04.2012 20:21 , Heinz Höra
Hello Marco, you have to clean your sensor. There are about 50 spots in the panorama.
LG Jörg
12.04.2012 21:47 , Jörg Nitz
Thanks Joerg, you've a formidable visus, I was working on it for more than two hours and I didn't notice the spot.
Luckily it seemed to be the lens and not the sensor.
Now, I fixed the panorama
18.04.2012 17:55 , Marco Nipoti

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Marco Nipoti

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