Panoramica a 360° dal Pizzo Rondenino (Alpi Orobie).   33919
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1 Monte Aga 2720m
2 quota 2717m
3 Pizzo Campaggio 2502m
5 Lago di Zappello 1560m
6 Motta di Scais 2416m
7 Pizzo Ceric 2536m
8 Passo del Forcellino 2245m
9 Pizzo del Salto 2665m
10 Pizzo dell'Omo 2773m
11 quota 2756m
12 Pizzo del Diavolo di Tenda 2916m


Aufnahmestandort: Pizzo Rondenino (2747 m)      Fotografiert von: Giovanni Rovedatti
Gebiet: Bergamasker Alpen      Datum: 07-10-2012 h. 13,48
Nikon D80
Nikkor DX VR 18-55mm f3,5-f5,6G
f/8 1/250sec
30 mm
16 immagini verticali da RAW.


Your friend is the eycatcher of this panoramic which presents summits in clouds and as a surprise a valley in the sun. Greetings Bruno.
09.10.2012 18:44 , Bruno Schlenker
who's that nice guy? ;-)

BR Kathrin
09.10.2012 23:21 , Kathrin Teubl
To belive, that one can compose such a beautiful mountain panorama even without seeing to many of the mountains is brave !
Herzlichst Christoph
10.10.2012 19:58 , Christoph Seger

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Giovanni Rovedatti

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