Passo Rolle 360°   53391
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1 Monte Mulaz 2906
2 Cima del Focobon 3054
3 Cima dei Bureloni 3130
4 Cima della Vezzana 3192
5 Cimon della Pala 3184
6 Chiesa Passo Rolle
7 Pala di San Martino 2982
8 Capanna Sass Maor
9 La Rosetta 2743
10 Cima Pradidali 2774
11 Tognazza 2209
12 Cavallazza 2325
13 Cima Valcigolera 2540
14 Colbricon 2602
15 Piccolo Colbricon 2511
16 Monte Agnello 2358
17 Pala di Santa (Zanggen) 2488
18 Cima Feudo 2670
19 Cima di Valsorda 2752
20 Viezzena 2490
21 Col Cornon 2744
22 Monte Mulaz 2906


Aufnahmestandort: Passo Rolle (1984 m)      Fotografiert von: Giuseppe Marzulli
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 27 December 2012
The Passo Rolle is a mountain road that connects Valley Primiero with the Val di Fiemme. Allows a beautiful view of the north-west of the Pale di San Martino.
There are 8 photos; 24 mm (full format); f4; 1/3200 sec.; 100 ISO.


For me it could be much shorter, but Cimon is just wonderful from there.
22.01.2013 12:36 , Arne Rönsch
Really great work Guiseppe! The best for me is the left part - from Monte Agnello i think the Pano isn´t so interesting!

greeting Seb
22.01.2013 18:24 , Sebastian Becher
I`m with Sebastian.

22.01.2013 19:10 , Andreas Starick
Thanks for the comments. I am also agree with you. I know that the right side is not very interesting and could be cut, but I wanted to make a 360° quite difficult to build.
22.01.2013 20:04 , Giuseppe Marzulli
a classic view of the pala north ridge... I remember the 2 nights we spent waiting for good weather at Capanna Sass Maor just below Rosetta in 1987 when I was a young boy.
22.01.2013 20:19 , Michael Strasser

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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