Tête de Chien - Monaco   33891
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1 Trophée des Alpes - La Turbie
2 Mont Agel, 1148 m
3 Monte Grammondo - Grammont, 1379 m
4 Mont Gros, 688 m
5 Cima Longoira, 1146 m
6 Monte Bignone,1299 m
7 Monaco
8 Monte Cinto, 2706 m - Corse


Aufnahmestandort: Tête de Chien (550 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Rolando
Gebiet: Meeralpen      Datum: 3/11/2013
A close view of Monaco from the Tête de Chien.




Fantastic: This is more or less the counterpart to my #23732: Corse seen from the alps. Regards Peter
25.11.2013 15:23 , Peter Brandt
Good job! 
The city of Monaco is an amazing place despite its mundanity. It is also the starting point of the Via Alpina, which runs through all the Alps from the Ligurian Sea to Trieste. So I love this photo, that shows the beginning of the mountains behind a seaside town!
Ciao, Alvise
27.11.2013 08:43 , Alvise Bonaldo
very nice!
29.11.2013 21:06 , Kathrin Teubl

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Andrea Rolando

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