Al cospetto dei Longerin   1418
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1 Rinaldo, 2473
2 Creta Forata, 2462
3 Siera, 2443
4 Cima Carro, 2136
5 Creton di Culzei, 2458
6 Creton di Clapn Grande, 2487
7 Schiaron, 2246
8 Tinisa, 2180
9 Terza Piccola, 2334
10 Terza Media, 2455
11 Terza Grande, 2586
12 Bivera, 2474
13 Clapsavon, 2462
14 Monte San Daniele, 2229
15 Crodon di Tiarfin, 2413
16 Cresta S del Palombino, 2357
17 Campanile Perathorner, 2328
18 Frocella Mediana
19 Brentoni, 2548
20 IV Torrione, 2382
21 Ago di Vissada, 2366
22 V Torrione
23 VI Torrione, 2413
24 Pupera Valgrande, 2520
25 Forcella Alta
26 Torre Austria o VII Torrionr, 2542
27 Croda Nord dei Longerin, 2571
28 Testa Alta di Melin, 2416
29 Serva, 2133
30 Pelf, 2506
31 Schiara, 2565
32 Talvena, 2542
33 Castello di Moschesin, 2499
34 Tamer, 2548
35 Ciareido, 2504
36 Croda Bianca, 2841
37 ANTELAO, 3264, 32 km
38 Cima Bel Pra, 2917
39 Croda da Campo, 2712
40 SORAPIS, 3205
41 Col d'la Tenda, 1907 (Comelico ski area)
42 Croda di Ligonto, 2786
43 Cima de Ambata, 2872
44 Cima Bagni, 2983
45 Popera, 3046
46 Col Rosson, 2304
47 Elferkofel, 3094
48 Sextener Rotwand, 2965
49 Dreischuesterspitze, 3145
50 Haunold, 2966


Aufnahmestandort: Sentiero per il Palombino (2420 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Karnischer Hauptkamm      Datum: 07-12-2015
A work inspired by N.41724.
Ten forgotten jpegs from the Nikon D3300, stitched as they were and without any further reworking.

The names in the Longerin group are after the drawing at page 135 and the mape at page 132 of the "Guida dei Monti d'Italia, Alpi Carniche 2", CAI-TCI, 1995.


Thanks - this is a great aspect of our site here: Oneself can walk up a mountain in mediocre conditions, and gets then digitally returned the perfect view. (And reminds me of the dialogue on PP #20809)
Cheers, Martin
PS: Just saw that I have a series from the very same Standort ;-)
23.11.2024 18:43 , Martin Kraus

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Pedrotti Alberto

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