Canin summit   23896
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1 Val di Resia
2 Monte Sart 2324 m
3 Picco di Carnizza 2443 m
4 Cuel Sclaf 2157 m
5 Monte Cimone 2380 m
6 Jof di Montasio 2754 m
7 Col delle Erbe
8 Foronon del Buinz 2531 m
9 Modeon del Buinz 2558 m
10 Bila Pec 2157 m
11 Srednji Vrsic 2543 m
12 Cima Gilberti 2478 m
13 Prestreljenik 2499 m
14 Petra Skalarja hut
15 Konjc


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Canin / Visoki Kanin (2587 m)      Fotografiert von: Norbert Boros
Gebiet: Julische Alpen      Datum: 23.08.2008


Very difficult shot.. I think it's very dark.. polarizer?
29.08.2008 19:33 , Stefano Caldera
No, I used no polarizer, but I have LCD monitor and it was not correctly adjusted, not even calibrated at all. So I usually see my photos overexposed because of the dynamic contrast and lightness of the monitor. Thus I adjust down the exposure, and my pictures come out dark on other monitors.
So maybe I will reload these pictures, properly adjusted.
And maybe I should buy a CRT monitor too :)
12.09.2008 05:43 , Norbert Boros

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Norbert Boros

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