Pian di Spagna I   93890
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1 Monte Gruf 2936m
2 Val Codera
3 Cima di Lavrina 2307m
4 Sasso Manduino 2888m
5 Cima del Cavre' 2499m
6 Verceia
7 Valle dei Ratti
8 Monte Spluga 2845m
9 Monte Erbea 2430m
10 Lago di Novate Mezzola
11 Monte Brusada 2142m
12 Monte Bassetta 1746m
13 Mera
14 Pizzo Olano 2267m
15 Monte Rosetta 2360m
16 Monte Stavello 2416m
17 Monte Rotondo 2495m
18 Monte Pim Pum 2353m
19 Valtellina
20 Pizzo Alto 2512m
21 Cima di Moncale 2306m
22 Monte Legnone 2609m
23 Laghetto di Dascio
24 Monte Legnoncino 1714m
25 Dascio


Aufnahmestandort: Sasso di Dascio (277 m)      Fotografiert von: Stefano Caldera
Gebiet: Adula/Tamina Alpen      Datum: 06 Apr 2010
Pian di Spagna is a wet area between Adda and Mera rivers, one of the most important Site of Community Importance in Italy. Especially in this period, in rainy days birds take here a regenerating pause before the difficult migration across the Alps.

44 images (in three horizontal rows), ~180°
Canon EOS 40D
EF 17-40 F/4 L
F/8, 1/500, 29mm


three rows result in outstanding quality, final focal length is a strong wide angle that is perfect for landscapes. LG Christoph
07.04.2010 19:39 , Christoph Hepp
Very good position 
to take these photos! Great landscape. Hope, we can protect that area much longer.
07.04.2010 21:24 , Matthias Knapp
Awesome view! 44 in three rows meant to be 14 15 15 ? :-) Greetings HJ
07.04.2010 21:33 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Bellezza speciale! 
Me piace molto Colori e Disegno! ( :- ))) auf Deutsch: Spezielle Schönheit, es gefallen mir die Farben und Gestaltung!
Liebe Grüsse Walter
08.04.2010 08:56 , Walter Schmidt
08.04.2010 17:35 , Bruno Schlenker
Very impressive. The 500px restriction is unfortunately not adequate for such grand views.
08.04.2010 20:24 , Martin Kraus
Just great. LG Robert
08.04.2010 21:49 , Robert Viehl
Ein Paradies das Du uns hier zeigst, lg Toni
10.04.2010 09:14 , Anton Theurezbacher
@HJ: yes, something like that! Since I don't use a tripod I'm not very rigourous in the repetitions..
10.04.2010 20:19 , Stefano Caldera

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Stefano Caldera

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