Testa Claus   24306
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1 Mont Saint Sauveur, 2711
2 Isola 2000 ski resort
3 Le Grand Coyer, 2693
4 Mont Mounier, 2817
5 Cime de Bolofre, 2827
6 Vallon de Chastillon
7 Cime de Las Crousillas, 2458
8 Mont Pelat, 3050
9 Le Cimet, 3020
10 Corborant, 3007
11 Cima di Tavels, 2804
12 Tenibres, 3031
13 Bassa di Lausa, 2639
14 Oronaye, 3104
15 Malinvern, 2939
16 Cima di Lausa, 2823
17 Valle Stura
18 Monviso, 3843
19 Cima Valrossa Nord, 2909
20 Rocca la Paur, 2972
21 Rocca di Valmiana, 3006
22 Monte Matto, 3097
23 Valle del Gesso
24 Asta Sottana, 2850
25 Asta Soprana, 2950
26 Oriol, 2943
27 Punta Gelas di Lourousa, 3262
28 Argentera, 3297
29 Cima Paganini, 3051
30 Cima di Nasta, 3108
31 Tête des Tablasses, 2855
32 Brocan, 3054
33 Gelas, 3143
34 Passo Bresse, 2620
35 Monte Bego, 2872
36 Grand Capelet, 2920
37 Cresta Savoia, 2840
38 Tête des Portettes, 2823
39 Pointe Giegn, 2888
40 Passo delle Portette, 2619
41 Mont Archas, 2526
42 Cayre Archas, 2632
43 Cime du Belletz, 2610
44 Mont Pepouiri, 2674
45 Cime des Lauses, 2650
46 Mont Giraud, 2606


Aufnahmestandort: Testa Claus (2897 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Meeralpen      Datum: 02-05-2009
An old photo from a wonderful, but very little known, summit, not represented here on the site, if I am not wrong. The ski ascent is tough: up along the exposed and corniched NNW ridge, down by the open NW flank which may be some 40°.
The beauty of the summit is especially apparent from the high section of the Vallone del Valasco, hosting the Reale Casa di Caccia, that, is the Savoia hunting house which now has become an alpine refuge.
Nine horizontal shots, Canon Powershot G9, equiv. of 33.8 mm, f/8, 1/1000 sec.


Being late, the opportunity of the first stars is gone - but surprisingly there is still the opportunity of the first comment. Immaculate panorama of an unknown area. Very surprising to see that much snow in May in an area that I'd associate with warmth in the summer rather than ski touring. So - thanks for the surprise! Cheers, Nartin
30.06.2013 21:33 , Martin Kraus
To appreciate how much snow there was, I invite you to have a glance at the Picasa album https://picasaweb.google.com/albertopedrotti/Marittime with a special eye for the size of the avalanches - in particular, those towards the end of the collection...
04.07.2013 17:06 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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