Tramonto su Rava   34363
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1 Colbricon (end of the Lagorai), 2601
2 Pale di San Martino
3 Cimon della Pala, 3184
4 Expected 10-12 moonrise
5 Monte Ciste, 2184
6 Cima d'Asta, 2847
7 La Banca, 2729
8 Cengello, 2439
9 Cornetto del Passetto
10 Laresè del Ciste
11 Forcella Lavoschio
12 Duranno, 2669
13 Cima Orsera, 2480
14 Cenon, 2278
15 Salubio, 1886
16 Cima Brunella, 2530
17 Cima Trento, 2530
18 Primaluna
19 Cimon Rava, 2436
20 Cime di Rava
21 Bivacco del Tauro, 2155
22 Castelletto di Rava, 2336
23 Malga Cima, 1880
24 Sass de Mura, 2547
25 Fierollo, 2142
26 Piani Eterni
27 Impianti Passo Brocon
28 Agaro, 2062
29 Pavione, 2336
30 Spiado
31 Vette Feltrine
32 Monte Silana, 1656
33 Coppolo, 2069


Location: Cresta S del Fravort (2150 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Fleimstaler Alpen      Date: 08-12-2011
For three consecutive days I have waited with the tripod the rise of the moon on Mt. Fravort. Only the first time I had perfect weather, but the moon was a bit too high; this is why it remains outside the present picture.
The third day (10-12-2011) the moon was supposed to rise at 16.35 with an azimuth of 57 degrees, that is, according to Udeuschle, somewhere in the depression between Cimon della Pala and Cimadasta, on the left side of this picture.
Unfortunately, neither the weather nor our luck are governed by Newtonian mechanics, and a cloud remained attached to the top all the time. When I declared defeat and began my retreat, 50 meter lower than the summit I had the luck to see the moon suspended right above Cimadasta, over a milky carpet of clouds. But this lasted only for an instant that was not enough to take any photographically significant initiative. I had only the time to notice a dark spot on the upper side - only later on I got to know that a partial lunar eclipse was in act.
The results of my three-day hunt for the moon are collected in


Marvellous light on the mountains! But I am sorry to correct you concerning the moon's eclipse: It was not a partial, but a total eclipse, which you obviously saw in its partial phase. KR Wilfried
2011/12/18 17:25 , Wilfried Malz
Enchanting light 
Thanks for your comprehensive report on the emergence of this fascinating panoramic. Regards Bruno.
2011/12/18 17:52 , Bruno Schlenker
Il panorama è bellissimo!
2011/12/19 19:41 , Beatrice Zanon

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Pedrotti Alberto

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