Notturno sulla Marzola   144618
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1 Cima Tosa, 3178
2 Cima Brenta, 3150
3 Paganella
5 Fai della Paganella
6 Calisio
7 Val di Non
8 Mezzolombardo
9 Valle dell'Adige
10 Monte Roen
11 Bolzano (lights)
12 Val di Cembra
13 Baselga di Piné
14 Palú del Fersina
15 Pergine
16 Val dei Mocheni
17 Castello di Pergine
18 Kamauz
19 Fravort, 2347
20 Zava
21 Vignola
22 San Cristoforo
23 Panarotta, 2002
24 Vetriolo Terme, 1450
25 Pale delle Rive
26 Ischia
27 Colle di Tenna
28 Cima Dodici, 2334
29 Levico
30 Lago di Levico
31 Barco
32 Lago di Caldonazzo
33 Pizzo di Levico, 1908
34 Monte Verena, 2019
35 Caldonazzo
36 Calceranica
37 Spitz di Tonezza
38 Vattaro
39 Vigolo
40 Becco di Filadonna, 2150
41 Vigolana


Location: La Marzola, cima Nord (1738 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Vizentiner Alpen      Date: 24-10-2012
Let me work on mountains which seem not to be represented on Alpen-Panoramen.
After the Sasso Rosso, this is La Marzola, the mountain lying between Trento and the Valsugana.
After finishing work at 16 in Pergine (visible), I cycled until above Vigolo Vattaro (visible), and then went up by foot along the S ridge, a wonderful path. Then I cycled home (not visible, but 10 km beyond Levico), where I am now.
Not finding a suitable group for this mountain, I chose to give it a phantasy location in the phantasy group «Fleimstaler Alpen». While getting more and more aged, I think that it is important for one to try and remain creative!
Eight images, horizontal, 30 sec, f/8, ISO 800, zoom 16-85 at 22mm (x1.5).


Incredibile. Buona Notte! Ciao, Agostino!
2012/10/25 01:44 , Augustin Werner
Ciao, grazie!
2012/10/25 01:52 , Pedrotti Alberto
Incredibile immagine...tutto chiaro come di giorno..
Bellissima panoramica
cari saluti
2012/10/25 06:45 , Patrick Runggaldier
Oddio, come di giorno proprio no!
Comunque ero messo bene, avevo con me una lampada da bici tedesca Sigma da 900 lumen. Volevo fare anche giochi di luce ai miei nipoti di 5 anni che abitano a Caldonazzo, ma non erano in casa...
2012/10/25 10:45 , Pedrotti Alberto
How about "Vizentiner Alpen" as suitable group, Alberto?
2012/10/25 11:36 , Arne Rönsch
Great atmosphere!!
Ciao Hans
2012/10/25 18:58 , Hans Diter
grande Pano! Auguri
2012/10/25 19:49 , Sieber Toni
***** super!
2012/10/25 21:18 , Klaus Brückner
Davvero bello. Ciao.
2012/10/25 21:29 , Giuseppe Marzulli
great work!!!
2012/10/25 22:10 , Michael Strasser
2012/10/26 08:08 , Alexander Von Mackensen
Thanks to everybody.
Arne: yes, of course yours is the "right" theory. However, I suggest you tu support it at a suitable distance, order of hundreds of kms: if you come here in Trentino and tell anybody that their mountains are classified as "Vizentiner"... I clearly see some danger approaching.
Curiosity: I looked what the SOIUSA says about the topic. Region 32, bounded W by the Adige and N by the Valsugana, is called "Prealpi Venete", which is at least less ridiculous than "Vizentiner".
However, also here the ridiculous is just round the corner, since the highest mountain of the region is taken to be Col Nudo, which according to the common sense lies fully in the Dolomiti d'Oltrepiave... And Col Nudo steals the title to Cima Dodici, the highest mountain south of the Valsugana, which ranks no less than 18 among the most prominent Alpine peaks!!
2012/10/26 13:27 , Pedrotti Alberto
2012/10/26 13:34 , Marco Nipoti
Well done, we can see that this area is well populated. probably still lonely once you're up on the hill, especially at this time of the day. Cheers, Martin
2012/10/27 18:15 , Martin Kraus

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Pedrotti Alberto

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