Bivacco Costanzi   63886
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1 Carè Alto, 3463
2 Crozzon di Lares, 3354
3 Presanella, 3558
4 Cima Scarpacò, 3252
5 Cima Palú, 3013
6 Punta d'Albiolo, 2969
7 Redival, 2973
8 Corno dei Tre Signori, 3360
9 Shadow of Sasso Rosso
10 Val di Peio
11 Termenago
12 San Matteo, 3678
13 Castello
14 Taviela, 3612
15 Ortisè
16 Menàs
17 Vioz, 3645
18 Vegaia, 2890
19 Malga Pozze, 2337
20 Cevedale, 3769
21 Zufall Spitze, 3757
22 Ortles, 3905
23 Cima Venezia, 3386
24 Cima Mezzana, 2845
25 Angelus, 3521
26 Sternai, 3443
27 Gioveretto, 3439
28 Pulpito di Flim, 3113
29 VAl di Rabbi
30 Piccola Orecchia di Lepre, 3104
31 Orecchia di Lepre, 3221
32 Similaun, 3606
33 Cima delle Mandrie, 2583
34 Cime Nere, 3624
35 Cima Lac, 2439
36 Hochwilde, 3480
37 Botzer, 3251


Location: Bivacco Costanzi (2365 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Brentagruppe      Date: 21-10-2012
The mountains are nearly the same as in N.21197, only the standpoint is some 300 m lower and the light is that of the following morning.
The bivouac is comfortable and very unlikely to be overcrowded.
Larger version:


very beatiful. Alexander
2012/10/31 08:14 , Alexander Von Mackensen
wonderful place to be!
2012/10/31 08:54 , Uta Philipp
meraviglioso!! auguri
2012/10/31 20:34 , Sieber Toni
2012/11/01 16:32 , Sebastian Becher
Wonderful light, I especially like the staggered ridges in the middle. Cheers, Martin
2012/11/03 17:11 , Martin Kraus
Having uploaded the new panorama from Monte Peller, I have made some (cheap) improvement also to two old neighbours.
Since they remain the northernmost in the Brentagruppe, they retain some geographical «prominence» and thus I thought that they were worth some «maintainance»!
2014/07/22 11:54 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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