Tele pano from Monte Fertazza   84023
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1 Rifugio Padon 2407
2 Monte Mesola 2642
3 Sas de Mezdi' 2727
4 Monte Padon 2520
5 Monte Laste 2438
6 Spallone del Sassolungo (Langkofeleck) 3081
7 Sass Pordoi 2950
8 Monte Fopa 2203
9 Col de Scote 2265
10 Punta de Joel 2945
11 Piz Boe' 3152
12 La Colonna 2525
13 Piz Lech Dlace 3009
14 Sas de Mezdi' 2980
15 Cima Pisciadu' 2985
16 Piz da Lech (Boe Seekofel) 2911
17 Gran Fermeda (Große Fermeda) 2873
18 Col Toronn 2655
19 Ciampatsch 2672
20 Sas Rigais 3025
21 La Porta (Torkofel) 2967
22 Furchetta 3025
23 Sas Ciampei 2654
24 Odla di Valdusa 2942
25 Piz Duleda 2909
26 Sas da l' Ega (Wasserkofel) 2924
27 Punte del Puez (Puezspitzen) 2918
28 Col del Puez (Puezkofel) 2725
29 Sassongher 2665


Location: Monte Fertazza (2101 m)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Dolomiten      Date: 29 December 2012
Another pano with tele 300 mm (full format).
6 photos; f 5,6; 1/6400 sec.; ISO 160.


Well done!
2013/03/24 11:17 , Arne Rönsch
Topp, Deine Tops! 
Gruss Walter
2013/03/24 11:21 , Walter Schmidt
Guiseppe, Puezspitzen höher als Sas Rigais, das kann aber nicht sein. Das Panorama ist ca. 2° schief. Wenn Du es gerade richtest, dann haben auch Monte Mesola und Sas de Mezdi die richtige Höhe.
2013/03/24 18:29 , Heinz Höra
Thanks for your report. I'll try to check and possibly correct.
2013/03/24 20:13 , Giuseppe Marzulli
brilliant, anyway!
2013/03/24 20:34 , Michael Strasser
I reloaded the pano. I think now it's okay. Thanks to all for your feedback.
2013/03/25 20:00 , Giuseppe Marzulli
À la bonne heure! Now, it is very well done. You have had some reserves in your images. Even the Sassongher is now to see.
2013/03/25 22:36 , Heinz Höra
Another great one - although we'll soon have justification for an own site with :-) Cheers, Martin
2013/04/02 20:18 , Martin Kraus

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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