Ponteranica eastern summit   63069
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1 Monte Spondone 2445m
2 Cima del Fop 2322m
3 Pizzo Arera 2512m
4 Il Pizzo 2274m
5 Cima di Menna 2300m
6 Monte Alben 2019m
7 Val Brembana
8 Monte Venturosa 1999m
9 Laghi di Ponteranica 2115m
10 Monte Aralalta 2006m
11 Monte Resegone 1875m
12 Zuccone Campelli 2161m
13 Monte Valletto 2370m
14 Grigna Meridionale 2177m
15 Grigna Settentrionale 2409m
16 Monte Ponteranica Centrale 2372m
17 Pizzo dei Tre Signori 2553m
18 Dentino di Ponteranica 2350m
19 Pizzo di Trona 2510m
20 Monte Ponteranica W 2370m
21 Monte Rosa 4634m
22 Pizzo Mellasc 2465m
23 Monte Legnone 2609m
24 Pizzo Rotondo 2495m
25 Val Gerola
26 Lago di Pescegallo 1865m
27 Pizzo di Prata 2727m
28 Monte Disgrazia 3678m
29 Monte Ponteranica orientale 2378m
30 Pizzo Scalino 3323m


Location: Monte Ponteranica orientale (2378 m)      by: Fabrizio Foppiani
Area: Bergamasker Alpen      Date: 20-09-2015

Very funny trip: starting from Cà San Marco there are no signs and no path for this summit, so I went in the direction of the ridge and then I walked on it until I reached the highest point (marked with a pile of stones).
However I think on the other side there's a little trail starting from Ponteranica lakes, but it's a longer hike.

Time: 12.36
16 Vertical Images (RAW)
ISO-80 F/7.1 1/400 sec
Focal length (35mm): 35mm


Fantastic southern ambience Panorama! Your Panos are always a "eye catcher" for me!

The wayless hikes are always the best! tanti saluti Seb
2015/09/21 16:50 , Sebastian Becher
Thank you Seb! I'm happy you like it
I'm not used to this kind of hiking yet, but yes.. it's great!
2015/09/21 19:23 , Fabrizio Foppiani
Fantastic pano. Unfortunately I have been in this area only once, and with lots of summer haze. Looks attractive enough to come back. Cheers, Martin
2015/09/21 19:23 , Martin Kraus
Yes, I will organise other trips here too! Thank you Martin
2015/09/21 19:55 , Fabrizio Foppiani
Stunning colors in perfect contrast ! VG HJ
2015/09/22 02:41 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
2015/09/24 00:24 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Fabrizio Foppiani

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