Cima Corma   02283
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1 Cima delle Stellune, 2605
2 Laste delle Sute, 2616
3 Cima di Cupolà, 2547
4 Castel dell'Aie, 2479
5 Cauriol, 2492
6 Cardinal, 2466
7 Busa Alta, 2510
8 Cima Cece, 2754
9 Malga Fossernica
10 Cima dei Paradisi, 2206
11 Ceremana, 2699
12 Spigolo del Coronon
13 Col del Vento, 2645
14 Lago del Bus, 2288
15 Cima dei Diaoli, 2808
16 Cimadasta, 2847
17 Torrion della Corona, 2720
18 Cima Brunella, 2530
19 Cengello, 2439
20 Passo Cinque Croci, 2018
21 Cima delle Buse, 2574


Location: Cima Corma (2507 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Fleimstaler Alpen      Date: 07-08-2017
Cima Corma is perhaps the most eccentric viewpoint in the Cimadasta massif.
I find that its height is optimal for the observation of the Lagorai group - whereas the main summit Cimadasta, being too high with respect to the surrounding mountains, dwarfs all of them.
There is no straightforward and/or established access to Cima Corma, which is indeed very rarely visited, due to its distance from any starting point. Actually, we are in the middle of what is perhaps the widest wild area in Trentino.

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Pedrotti Alberto

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