Verso la Cornagiera   74601
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1 Pizzo Varrone 2325m
2 Pizzo Trona 2510m
3 Pizzo dei Tre Signori 2554m
4 Zucco di Valbona 2184m
5 Zuc di Cam 2192m
6 Corna Grande 2090m
7 Zuccone Campelli 2159m
8 Zucco Orscellera 1856m
9 Monte Resegone 1875m
10 Cima d'Agrella 1802m
11 Monte Due Mani 1666m
12 Grigna Meridionale 2184m
13 Grigna Settentrionale 2409m
14 Monte Pilastro 1823m
15 Sasso Gordona 1410m
16 Gran Paradiso 4061m
17 Monte Generoso 1701m
18 Corno Bianco 3320m
19 Monte Rosa 4663m
20 Monte Galbiga 1698m
21 Cima d'Olino 1768m
22 Dom 4545m
23 Weissmies 4017m
24 Cima di Fojorina 1809m
25 Monte Leone 3553m
26 Gazzirola 2116m
27 Cimone di Margno 1801m
28 Monte Bregagno 2107m
29 Finsteraarhorn 4274m
30 Marmontana 2316m
31 Toresella 2244m
32 Pizzo di Claro 2720m
33 Cardinello 2520m
34 Torrone Alto 2952m
35 Rheinwaldhorn 3402m
36 Pizzo Ledu 2503m
37 Monte Legnone 2609m
38 Cima di Moncale 2306m
39 Cima del Cortese 2495m
40 Pizzo Alto 2512m
41 Pizzo Cornagiera 2049m


Location: Near Pizzo Cornagiera (1850 m)      by: Stefano Caldera
Area: Bergamasker Alpen      Date: 11 Jan 2009
33 images
Canon EOS 40D + EF-S 17-85 IS
24mm, F/11, 1/200s


splendida! Una delle tue migliori, in assoluto...
2009/03/28 00:16 , Gianluca Moroni
die für mich unbekannten "Winkel" der Alpen hier zu sehen! Gruss Walter
2009/03/28 10:13 , Walter Schmidt
Wunderschön. LG Hans
2009/03/28 11:38 , Johann Ilmberger
Avente avuto un fantastico inverno questo anno nell alpe Bergamasce. Ciao, Michi
2009/03/28 13:07 , Michael Spoerl
Good to know, that your old lens (which is my new one) takes nearly as phantastic shots as your new lens... :-) - I especially like to contrast of the nearest snow and the farest mountains like Monte Rosa. Prefect conditions, perfect imaging! Tanti saluti, dirk
2009/03/28 19:00 , Dirk Becker
@ Dirk: the 17-85 is a good lens, I only dislike it in the range 17-20mm (Marco surely agrees ;) ). Since few months ago, in fact, I did shot no more at those lengths, but ever starting from 22mm. I'm looking forward to see your new panoramics, what about the Tamron?
2009/03/28 19:43 , Stefano Caldera
The Tamron is quite a decent lens. For most situations it serves fairly well. But I had severe problems with the Autofocus (especially with Polarizer mounted) and it had problems with sharpness (especially for higher focal length) and with horrible CAs. So I decided to have a new lens... (knowing well that I'll have CAs @17mm as well) - Tanti saluti, dirk
2009/03/29 11:14 , Dirk Becker

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Stefano Caldera

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