Monte Crocetta   84925
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1 Lago di Varese
2 Appennini
3 Lago Maggiore
4 M.Sangiano 531m
5 Monviso 3841m
6 M.Mucrone 2335m
7 M.Mars 2600m
8 M.Barone 2044m
9 Sasso del Ferro 1057m
10 Bianco 3320m
11 M.Tagliaferro 2964m
12 Poggio Croce 1765m
13 M.Massone 2161m
14 P.zo Proman 2098m
15 T.del Parise 2092m
16 Pedum 2111m
17 M.Zeda 2156m
18 M.Vada' 1814m
19 P.zo del Fornale 2490m
20 M.Spalavera 1534m
21 M.Zuccaro 1683m
22 M.Limidario 2189m
23 P.zo Campo Tencia 3071m
24 C.Bianca 2612m
25 Lago Maggiore
26 M.Borgna 1163m
27 C.di Bri 2521m
28 P.zo di Vogorno 2442m
29 M.Tamaro 1961m


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Crocetta (1113 m)      Fotografiert von: Marco Nipoti
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 13.12.2010
A short hike with Stefano to find new spots for and to see the sunrise.
The second mission failed, we arrived too late, because I'm the European Champion of red traffic lights...
Anyway we still got a decent light.


Excellently. Much purifies structures and identical colors - of the red champion.
04.03.2011 12:04 , Heinz Höra
LG, Toni
04.03.2011 14:11 , Anton Theurezbacher
A fine and beautiful panoramic from you. The exposure is a precision landing. Greetings Bruno.
04.03.2011 16:32 , Bruno Schlenker
nice warm colours!
04.03.2011 17:07 , Uta Philipp
Very good!!

Greetz Gerhard.
05.03.2011 00:24 , Gerhard Eidenberger
Wonderful - the red traffic lights are worth it - hope, you didn't have to pay a fine for that ;-)

Greetings, Kathrin
06.03.2011 10:08 , Kathrin Teubl
@Kathrin: I meant I'm the champion in finding traffic lights red, but I don't cross them with red :)
07.03.2011 12:42 , Marco Nipoti
;-) ... I think I understood you false, because if you would have crossed all red traffic lights you wouldn't have arrived late *ggg*

Greetings from Austria
07.03.2011 12:51 , Kathrin Teubl

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Marco Nipoti

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