Piz Martum 360°   83938
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1 Gaggio 2267m
2 Cima dell'Uomo 2390m
3 Madone 2395m
4 Pizzo di Vogorno 2442m
5 Poncione di Piotta 2439m
6 Cima del Scengio delle Pecore 2394m
7 Cima del Picoll 2440m
8 Poncione del Venn 2477m
9 Capanna Brogoldone
10 Cima di Precastello 2359m
11 Poncione Rosso 2505m
12 Cima Lunga 2488m
13 Corona di Redorta 2804m
14 Piz di Molinera 2088m
15 Piz de Groven 2693m
16 Piz di Ruess 2247m
17 Val Calanca
18 Piz di Renten 2000m
19 Pizzo Padion 2631m
20 Sass Castel 2516m
21 Pizzo Roggione / de Cressim 2575m
22 Lago di Cama
23 Pizzo Cavregasco 2535m
24 Pizzo Paglia 2593m
25 Cardinello 2520m
26 Toresella 2245m
27 Marmontana 2316m
28 Cima delle Cicogne 2201m
29 Corno di Gesero 2227m
30 Pizzo di Gino 2245m
31 Monte Stabbiello 2116m
32 Gazzirola 2116m
33 Camoghe' 2227m
34 Monte Bar 1816m
35 Bellinzona
36 Campo dei Fiori 1226m
37 Monte Gradiccioli 1935m
38 Monte Tamaro 1961m
39 Monte Gambarogno 1734m
40 Monte Zeda 2156m


Location: Piz Martum (2039 m)      by: Stefano Caldera
Area: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Date: 12 Jun 2011
Canon EOS 7D
EF 17-40 F/4 L
3x42 images


Sehr gute Arbeit. Dreireihig! Schärfentiefe super!
LG Michael
2011/06/13 20:32 , Michael Bodenstedt
Ich zieh' meinen Hut ganz tief, technisch höchst perfekt & die EOS 7D sehr gut genutzt. Wenn ich daran denke, was mein Rechner zu 3 x 42 Bildern sagen täte .....
Herzlichst Christoph
2011/06/13 20:45 , Christoph Seger
Gipfel, die den Himmel berühren, ein wunderschöner Anblick.
LG Manfred
2011/06/13 22:24 , Manfred Hainz
The pictures are 42 (two rows of 21), with three different exposures (exposure fusion). ciao!
2011/06/13 22:37 , Stefano Caldera
... so it is techniacally even more advanced ...
ciao, Christoph
2011/06/13 23:30 , Christoph Seger
great work!
2011/06/14 22:15 , Michael Strasser
Wow, a great deal of work entered this masterpiece! Very nice! BR, Volker
2011/06/15 21:30 , Volker Driesen
hope to see it bigger next time!?!?! :-D saluti Seb
2011/06/16 16:53 , Sebastian Becher

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Stefano Caldera

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