Grosses Schinhorn 360°   76360
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1 Monte San Primo 1686m
2 Pizzo dei Croselli 2709m
3 Pizzo dell'Alpe Gelato 2613m
4 Mittelberg 2891m
5 Pizzo Locciatenera 2580m
6 Pizzo di Pioda 2678m
7 Monte Corbernas 2578m
8 Pizzo del Forno 2695m
9 Pioda di Crana 2430m
10 2878m
11 Monte Forno 2593m
12 Pizzo La Scheggia 2466m
13 Monte del Sangiatto 2387m
14 Cima della Laurasca 2195m
15 Pizzo Ragno 2289m
16 Pizzo Nona 2271m
17 Monte Togano 2299m
18 Pizzo Tignolino 2246m
19 Pizzo Crampiolo 2766m
20 Punta Pozzolo 2081m
21 Pizzo della Rossola 2087m
22 Colmine 1742m
23 Monte Massone 2161m
24 Cima Scaravini 2116m
25 Grampielhorn 2764m
26 Corno Cistella 2688m
27 Monte Cistella 2880m
28 Cima Capezzone 2421m
29 Pizzo Diei 2906m
30 Monte Cazzola 2330m
31 Passo della Rossa - Geisspfad
32 Pizzo Giezza 2658m
33 Cima di Bo 2555m
34 Pizzo del Ton 2675m
35 Pizzo San Martino 2733m
36 Punta della Rossa 2888m
37 Monte Tagliaferro 2964m
38 Punta Lauguera 2995m
39 Geisspfadsee
40 Latelhorn 3204m
41 Sonnighorn 3487m
42 Pizzo d'Andolla 3653m
43 Punta Gnifetti / Signalkuppe 4554m
44 Zumsteinspitze 4563m
45 Dufourspitze 4634m
46 Cervandone / Scherbadung 3210m
47 Helsenhorn 3272m
48 Punta Marani 3108m
49 Täschhorn 4490m
50 Dom 4545m
51 Nadelhorn 4327m
52 Hohberghorn 4219m
53 Vorder Helse 3106m
54 Wasenhorn 3246m
55 Zinalrothorn 4221m
56 Hillehorn 3181m
57 Weisshorn 4506m
58 Bishorn 4153m
59 Ussers Barrhorn 3610m
60 Rothorn 2813m
61 Les Diablons 3609m
62 Spitzhorli 2737m
63 Aiguille Verte 4122m
64 Schwarzhorn 3201m
65 Roti Ritze 2831m
66 Bättlihorn 2992m
67 Cime de l'Est 3177m
68 Grand Muveran 3051m
69 Unter Schinhorn 2897m
70 Gärsthorn 2964m
71 Schilthorn 3122m
72 Wilerhorn 3307m
73 Bietschhorn 3934m
74 Bettmeralp
75 Nesthorn 3824m
76 Doldenhorn 3643m
77 Gross Fusshorn 3627m
78 Rotstock 3701m
79 Eggerhorn 2503m
80 Geisshorn 3740m
81 Aletschhorn 4193m
82 Eggishorn 2927m
83 Dreieckhorn 3811m
84 Gletscherhorn 3983m
85 Jungfrau 4158m
86 Mönch 4107m
87 Chamm 3866m
88 Gross Wannenhorn 3905m
89 Gross Grünhorn 4043m
90 Hinter Fiescherhorn 4025m
91 Klein Fiescherhorn 3899m
92 Finsteraarhorn 4274m
93 Studerhorn 3638m
94 Schreckhorn 4078m
95 Lauteraarhorn 4042m
96 Vorder Galmihorn 3517m
97 Oberaarhorn 3637m
98 Scheuchzerhorn 3462m
99 Holzjihorn 2986m
100 Hienderstock 3307m
101 Ober Rapperhorn 3176m
102 Turbhorn 3245m
103 Blinnenhorn 3373m
104 Kleines Schinhorn 2917m
105 Rothorn 3287m
106 Hohsandhorn 3182m
107 Punta d'Arbola / Ofenhorn 3235m
108 Cima Cust 3045m
109 Basodino 3272m
110 Grauhorn 3260m
111 Adula / Rheinwaldhorn 3402m
112 Pizzo Medola 2957m
113 Pizzo Campo Tencia 3071m
114 Albrunhorn 2885m
115 Cima Rossa 3160m
116 Pizzo Fiorera 2921m
117 Punta Clogstafel 2967m
118 Piz Morteratsch 3751m
119 Pizzo Bernina 4049m
120 Monte Giove 3009m
121 Cima di Castello 3375m
122 Monte Disgrazia 3678m
123 Pizzo Biela 2856m
124 Pizzo Ligoncio 3032m
125 Monte Spluga 2845m
126 Pizzo Paglia 2593m
127 Cardinello 2520m
128 Pizzo Stella 2688m
129 Pizzo di Vogorno 2442m
130 Monte Legnone 2609m
131 Pizzo di Gino 2245m
132 Batnall 2748m
133 Grigna Settentrionale 2410m
134 Pizzo Quadro 2792m
135 Corona di Groppo 2792m


Aufnahmestandort: Grosses Schinhorn / Punta di Valdeserta (2939 m)      Fotografiert von: Stefano Caldera
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 01 Oct 2011
"Repetitia iuvant" they sayd, so one week later I returned here. Now the summit embargo (#16784) is released ;)

28 images
Canon EOS 7D
EF 17-40 F/4 L
30mm, F/11, 1/250s


Excitingly beautiful!
02.10.2011 17:57 , Wilfried Malz
congratulations - returning really paid off!!
02.10.2011 22:51 , Michael Strasser
Thanks! Now, for a while, I'll go somewhere else
03.10.2011 22:10 , Stefano Caldera
Very nice. Where ever you go come back healthy and creative. LG Robert
04.10.2011 20:42 , Robert Viehl
Did you stand or sit? - Last year, I was on that mountain in clouds and indeeed I was glad I had clouds, because I did not want to climb the final rock. :-)

tanti saluti,
05.10.2011 18:27 , Dirk Becker
Thanks Robert! .... Dirk: stand stand, I don't suffer very much the vertical exposition. Have you seen the summit from the Valdeserta valley? ....... I've also tried to take a short video from the summit: ....... I was alone and unfurtunately it was also impossibile to take a selfportrait, 10 seconds of timer were too few, and also the risk that the camera could fall down was unacceptable. So I've worked at home on a very sofisticated computer simulation of me on the summit: ... ciao! Stefano
05.10.2011 20:01 , Stefano Caldera
Very impressive, even without knowing the details of where you stand. Cheers, Martin
05.10.2011 21:02 , Martin Kraus

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Stefano Caldera

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