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1 Cornetto di Folgaria, 2060
2 Becco di Filadonna, 2150
3 Monte Baldo, 2218
4 Bivacco Madonnina
5 Altissimo di Nago, 2080
6 Pizzocolo, 1581
7 Becco della Ceriola, 1935
8 Spino, 1513
9 Passo Bordala
10 Stivo, 2059
11 Tremalzo, 1974
12 Cornetto del Bondone, 2180
13 Marzola, 1738
14 Direction Brescia
15 Le Viote
16 Palon del Bondone, 2090
17 Bruffione, 2664
18 Cornone di Blumone, 2842
19 Vason
20 Norge
21 Vaneze
22 Cima di Valbona, 2887
23 Candriai
24 Sclemo
25 Cort (Preore)
26 Seo
27 Cima di Danerba, 2910
28 Ranzo
29 Margone
30 Cop di Breguzzo, 3001
31 Cop di Casa, 2964
32 Strada Vezzano - Ranzo
33 Carè Alto, 3462
34 Terlago
35 Vedretta di Lares
36 Corno di Cavento, 3406
38 Monte Gazza, 1985
39 Cima d'Ambiez, 3100
40 Cima Tosa, 3173
41 Crozzon di Brenta, 3118
42 Brenta Alta, 2962
43 Campanil Basso
44 Campanile Alto
45 PAGANELLA, 2124
46 Torre di Brenta, 3014
48 Cima Brenta, 3150
49 Cima Grostè, 2898
50 Passo del Grostè
51 Corno dei Tre Signori, 3360
52 Pietra Grande, 2937
53 Fai della Paganella
54 San Matteo, 3678
55 Cima Cadini, 3529
57 Taviela
58 Colle Vioz, 3330
59 Vioz, 3645
60 Palon della Mare, 3703
61 Cevedale I, 3769
62 Vedretta della Mare
63 Gran Zebrù, 3859
64 Malga d'Arza, 1514
65 Sporminore
66 Monte Corno, 1962
67 ORTLES, 3905
69 CIme Venezia, 3386
70 Monte Peller, 2320
71 Monte di Mezzocorona
72 Vertana, 3545


Aufnahmestandort: Fravort (2347 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 12-01-2012
I was quietly working at the left side of this pano when I realized that the "bright star" (actually, the planet Jupiter) near the horizon was rather quickly going to crash against the indefinite dark mass of Cima Tosa. In a haste I pointed the camera in that direction: luckily, the skew trajectory kept by the "star" allowed it to avoid a harsh impact with the summit of the Crozzon di Brenta, and to survive for 30 more precious seconds...
After that, I made a mess going back to fill the gap left; only a handful of degrees saved me from missing the overlapping.
Note the amount of "luminous pollution" coming from the Pianura Padana - in particular, I marked the direction of the city of Brescia which is presumably the main source.
Related daylight panos: 2301, 18347.
Time: few minutes after 18308
13 images, 125mm(x1.5), 30 sec, f/5.6, ISO 640


Hallo, it's very beautiful! The villages are lightning in the night!
22.01.2012 09:10 , Roland Mitterrutzner
Marvellous work! This kind of panoramic seems to be your speciality. Cheers Bruno.
22.01.2012 09:14 , Bruno Schlenker
good work! 
22.01.2012 17:58 , Werner Maurer

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Pedrotti Alberto

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