Pasquetta sul Manghen   44352
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1 Ziolera, 2478
2 Forcella del Frate
3 Cima Valsolaro, 2283
4 Cima Dodici, 2334
5 Monte Ciste, 2186
6 Val Calamento
7 Monte Pastronezze, 2182
8 Valtrigona (Oasi WWF)
9 Forcella d'Ezze, 2114
10 Crozi delle Ezze, 2302
11 Cima d'Ezze, 2351
12 Sasso Rotto, 2396
13 Ciima Sette Selle, 2396
14 2265
15 Monte Slimber, 2204
16 Cima di Palú, 2261
17 CIma Fornace, 2225
18 Monte Rujoch, 2432
19 Monte Croce, 2490
20 Pale delle Buse, 2412
21 Croce di Passo Manghen
22 Cimon del Tres, 2292
23 Val Cadino
24 Monte Macaion, 1865
25 Hochwilde, 3480
26 Watershed Cembra - Adige


Location: Passo Manghen (2047 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Fleimstaler Alpen      Date: 09-04-2012
With this photo I give an anticipation of the Giro d'Italia stage of tomorrow, which is going to cross Passo Mànghen. Taken from the Valsugana (south) side it is an ascent of 1700 m, comparable to the Stelvio of the following day: 1500 m from the Bormio side.
This year I cycled the Manghen for the first time on Easter Monday; the road was of course closed but it was possible to reach the pass by pushing the bicycle only a little stretch. It was on that occasion that I shot this pano.
Although it does not come from an inaccessible summit, but from 10 m far away from the asphalt, I can post it only here because on Panorama Photo I am temporarily out of uploads...
If anybody wants to research secret and untrodden paths on the flanks of Val Calamento, there is also a larger version:


Nice story und panoramic. Would it be possible yet to post some of the camera data such us aperture, shutter speed, lens etc.? Thanks and Regards Bruno.
2012/05/24 18:08 , Bruno Schlenker
The photos were 22. The Exif says: f/9.0, 1/100 sec, ISO 100, zoom 16-85 at 38x1.5mm. Rarely does one incur such an unlucky framing choice: low enough to cut the close ridge, preventing me the completion of the 360°, but at the same time high enough to behead a series of objects... But I did not fall in despair for this: after all, that was only a cycling tour, without photographic expectations. Actually, I do not remember why I decided to carry the D7000 up there, knowing in advance that some pushing waited me!
2012/05/24 18:28 , Pedrotti Alberto
Gilberto Simoni once said on the Manghen: "It's one of my favourites. There's nothing at the top. When you get there, you feel like a polar explorer."
2012/05/25 12:19 , Arne Rönsch
Now, behind Val Cadino, I added a mark reading "watershed Cembra - Adige"; consider that Gilberto Simoni comes right from the Val di Cembra. Maybe this was a training road also for him; form the north side it is "only" 1200 m ascent, but the final stretch is slightly steeper in the average.
Inside the album you can find a photo report of the Giro 2008 crossing the Manghen. Hidden among the digital photos you will find also a scan of Pantani pedaling in pink before the last hairpin, in 1999. That afternoon the Giro arrived on the Alpe di Pampeago, like today... the following day Pantani won in Madonna di Campiglio... and the morning after passed to history as the one most fatal for him...
2012/05/25 12:50 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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