Sasso Rosso   104472
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1 Cima di Valbona, 2887
2 Carè Alto, 3463
3 Corno di Cavento, 3406
4 Crozzon di Lares, 3354
5 Cresta Croce
6 Presanella, 3558
7 Cima Vermiglio
8 Cima Scarpacò, 3252
9 Cima Palú, 3013
10 (Passo Tonale)
11 Disgrazia, 3678, 89 km
12 Piste di Folgàrida - Marilleva
13 Corno dei Tre Signori, 3360
14 Fucine
15 Val di Peio
16 Termenago
17 San Matteo, 3678
18 Taviela, 3612
19 Menas
20 Vioz, 3645
21 Palon della Mare, 3703
22 Cima Vegaia, 2890
23 Malga Pozze, 2337
24 Cevedale, 3769
25 Ortles, 3905
26 Sternai, 3443
27 Gioveretto, 3439
28 Montés
29 Val di Rabbi
30 Bolentina, 1194
31 Presson
32 Orecchia di Lepre, 3221
33 Similaun, 3606
34 Cime Nere, 3624
35 Cima Nana, 2571
36 Monte Luco, 2434
37 Olperer, 3480
38 Monte Peller, 2320
39 Gran Pilastro, 3510
40 Malga Tassulla, 2090
41 Croce del Peller
42 Fondo
43 Malosco
44 Pian della Nana
45 Cavareno
46 Penegal, 1737
47 Valle di San Romedio
48 Passo della Mendola
49 Sass de Putia, 2875
50 Còredo
51 Furchetta, 3025
52 Sassolungo, 3181
53 Sassopiatto, 2958
54 Roen, 2116
55 Catinaccio d'Antermoia, 3004
56 Catinaccio, 2981
57 Marmolada, 3342
58 Predaia
59 Pelmo, 3168
60 Cima Uomo, 2543
61 Civetta, 3221
62 Cimon della Pala, 3184
63 Sass Maor, 2814
64 Cimadasta, 2848
65 Cima Trento, 2530
66 Rujoch, 2432
67 Mezzocorona
68 Sasso Rotto, 2396
69 Dosso di Costalta, 1955
70 Gronlait, 2381
71 Fravort, 2347
72 Cima Dodici, 2334
73 Panarotta, 2022
74 Portule, 2307
75 Menderiolo, 2049
76 Verena, 2019
77 Gruppo della Campa
78 Cima Benon, 2687
79 Passo di Pra Castron
80 Cima Brenta, 3150
81 Corno di Denno, 2873
82 Cima Flavona, 2918
83 Cima del Vento, 2761
84 Cima delle Livezze, 2780
85 Cima Sassara, 2894
86 Cima Rocca, 2831


Aufnahmestandort: Sasso Rosso (2645 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Brentagruppe      Datum: 20-10-2012
360° Blick von dem nördlichsten unter den hohen Gipfeln der Brentagruppe.

27 HF, Nikon D7000, Zoom 16-85, 48mmx1.5, 1/250 sec, f/13, ISO 100


Schöne Mischung aus Fern- und Nahblicken, ein toller Tag sowieso.
24.10.2012 08:24 , Peter Brandt
Bravo, Alberto!
I would not have believed that Monte Disgrazie can be seen from there.
24.10.2012 12:19 , Arne Rönsch
Yes, but I discovered this presence via Udeuschle. On the place we were asking ourselves who could be that mountain above the Tonale depression... Actually, this is perhaps the first time that I see the Disgrazia wihout seeing the Bernina, while the converse happens very often, and for obvious reasons, from the mountains of my region.
24.10.2012 13:32 , Pedrotti Alberto
This is the most beautiful time for mountain panoramics when part of the landscape is already covered with snow and the remaining landscape boasts with autumn colours. Regards Bruno.
24.10.2012 20:27 , Bruno Schlenker
una bellissima vista ....
24.10.2012 22:18 , Eduard Gruber
Herzlichst Christoph
25.10.2012 16:14 , Christoph Seger
ottima ripresa da un magnifico belvedere!
25.10.2012 20:32 , Gianluca Moroni
Great view. Did you find a snow-free way up there? Cheers, Martin
28.10.2012 13:32 , Martin Kraus
Not at all! We found snow starting from 2200 m. In particular, we had to abandon our original project to walk the Sentiero Costanzi, the path following the whole ridge of northern Brenta. It is known to be quite exposed and cannot be done safely with these conditions. Moreover, it is officially closed for 2012-2013 due to maintenance of pitons and cables.
On the easy paths that we chose as a replacement we had no problems. Consider also that I had an excellent companion, Maria Grazia: the last time that we were together, this happened at Camp 6300 on the Korjenevskaya peak, the place of
28.10.2012 23:07 , Pedrotti Alberto
Having uploaded the new panorama from Monte Peller, I have made some (cheap) improvement also to two old neighbours.
Since they remain the northernmost in the Brentagruppe, they retain some geographical «prominence» and thus I thought that they were worth some «maintainance»!
22.07.2014 11:54 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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