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1 Monte Cimone
2 Panarotta, 2002
3 Fravort, 2347
4 Vigolana
5 Oscivart, 2284
6 Gronlait, 2381
7 Hoabonti W ridge
8 Cima Brenta, 3150
9 Vioz, 3645
10 Dosso di Costalta, 1955
11 Cevedale, 3769
12 Ortles, 3905


Location: Hoabonti (2341 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Fleimstaler Alpen      Date: 16-03-2013
Should the answer be difficult to obtain from the 500 pixels, it could be achieved from here: picasaweb.google.com/albertopedrotti/Misc2013_1#5856055129068976338


Corvus corax?
2013/03/16 22:55 , Christoph Seger
Mirounga leonina?:-)
2013/03/16 22:59 , Danko Rihter
I don't want to underestimate biodiversity in my country, but the first hypothesis looks out slightly more likely!!
2013/03/16 23:06 , Pedrotti Alberto
Panthera pardus?
2013/03/16 23:23 , Jörg Engelhardt
I think until we can correctly identify it we have to assume that it is a Wolperdinger - which makes this panorama a tremendous treasure. It is the first photograph of this mysterious pet of Gigantopithecus blacki ssp. alpinus!!!
2013/03/17 09:41 , Christoph Seger
Beyond any doubt: Corvus corax. But sealion was a qualified guess...:-)LG Jan.
2013/03/17 11:37 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Aber ein fantastisches Bild!
Gruss Walter
2013/03/17 12:06 , Walter Schmidt
Funny name for an italian mountain! Sounds like bavarian.
2013/03/17 16:04 , Matthias Knapp
This point is explained in N.14682.
There is no agreement, as far as I know, on the roots of the name Hoabonti, but for example Fravort should come from Frau-Wart and Oscivart from Haus-Wart. The main corruption that German has undergone in this area has been the vowel "a" being closed almost regularly into an "o".
2013/03/17 16:20 , Pedrotti Alberto
Alberto was faster than me ... 
... with answering. Nevertheless I would like to add some words:

Names are often hushed echos of times gone. Here we have situation of cultural changes on an historic language border. Medivial mining efforts pushed by Austrian and German nobles led to field names (Flurnamen) not sounding Italian or German to our modern day ears due to their transformation (when I do not know ...) into more Romanic names.

In this very interesting context three intersting links:

und ein Zitat (R. Musil): "Sie hieß Lene Maria Lenzi; das klang wie Selvot und Gronleit oder Malga Mendana, nach Amethystkristallen und Blumen, er aber nannte sie noch lieber Grigia, mit langem I und verhauchtem Dscha, nach der Kuh, die sie hatte, und Grigia, die Graue rief."

Solltet Ihr gute Literatur zur Geschichte der Gegend kennen oder mir mit weiteren Zitaten weiterhelfen können, würde mich das sehr freuen.
2013/03/17 16:32 , Christoph Seger
You may also wish to visit www.bersntol.it
Here, not far from my table, lies the last volume produced by the Kulturinstitut, namely, "Musil en Bersntol" (June 2012), published to celebrate the 70 years since the death of Robert Musil.
If you want to see all-year-round amateur photos from the valley, here is my growing collection: www.panoramio.com/user/5466256/tags/Bersntol
If you look for serious photos, there are several illustrated books devoted to the valley. Its greatest photographic interpreter has been, out of question, Flavio Faganello (1933-2005).
2013/03/18 02:10 , Pedrotti Alberto
Dear Alberto 
thank you very much for the links. I always tend to forget how deeply you are engaged!
2013/03/18 07:18 , Christoph Seger
More than being engaged, I simply work in Pergine which lies at the beginning of the valley. For training purposes, I typically go for lunch at Kamaus (1350 m), also written Kamauz or Kamaovrunt, just to remain in topic. During the ascent I go through places with names such as Oberstol, Unterperg, Mittenperg, Ouberperg, Gruabpoun, Neikler, Kourn... When I have more time, I also go up to the Kaiserwiesen - these were once Kaserwiesen, "casara" in Italian meaning "mountain house". But then "Kaser" became "Kaiser" - Musil would highly welcome this full annexion to the Kakania world...
2013/03/18 10:53 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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