Lavaredo con la luna   205266
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1 Piz Popena, 3152
3 Croda Rossa d'Ampezzo, 3146
4 Cristallino, 2775
5 Cima di Campo, 3420
6 Corni di Ghega / Hornspitzen
7 Sasso Nero, 3369
8 Picco di Vallandro, 2839
9 Grave de Pogofen
10 Cima Cadin della Neve, 2757
11 Rifugio Città di Carpi, 2110
12 Monte Campoduro, 2244
13 Campanile Eötvös, 2825
14 Cadin di San Lucano, 2839
15 Cadin di N.E., 2790
16 Croda dei Rondoi / Schwalbenkofel, 2769
17 Cimon di Croda Liscia, 2568
18 Torre Siorpaes, 2556
19 Cima Ovest, 2973
20 Cima Grande, 2999
21 Cima Piccola, 2857
22 Spigolo Giallo
23 Rifugio Lavaredo, 2344
24 Punta di Lavina Bianca, 2987
25 Paterno, 2744
26 Cima Piccola Scarperi
27 Lastron dei Scarperi, 2957
28 Tre Scarperi, 3145
29 Sassovecchio, 2919
30 Rifugio Pian di Cengia, 2528
31 Cil di Vezza, 2158
32 Cima Una, 2698
33 Val Marden
34 Collerena, 2607
35 Campanile di Val dei Toni, 2558
36 Campanili di Val Marden
37 Croda dei Toni, 3094
38 Croda Antonio Berti, 3029
39 Punta de l'Agnel, 2736
40 Cima d'Auronzo, 2914
41 Cresta Zsigmondy, 2998
42 Monte Giralba di Sotto, 2981
43 Monte Popera, 3046
44 Tower
45 Cengia Gabriella
46 Campanili di Popera, 2657
47 Val di Stallata
48 Ciam Bagni, 2983


Aufnahmestandort: Bivacco Tiziano (2238 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 19-09-2013
Another picture taken from outside Bivacco Tiziano, Marmarole.

The source of illumination here should not be copyrighted like that of the Tour Eiffel ( ); the curious reader may wish to guess what this source is...

12 horizontal pictures, 85mm (x 1.5), 30 sec, f/5.6, ISO 640.

Larger version:
GPS track:


I do not have to guess, I had quite a bright night two days after :-)
What time is ist here ???
01.10.2013 14:51 , Christoph Seger
Crisp & clear. Wow!!

Mini-remark (sorry...): there are 11 white spots/short lines on the very right, within the sky... 7 of them are easily detectable, 4 are a bit hidden
01.10.2013 14:51 , Müller Björn
Look at the photographical data ... 30 sec !!!
01.10.2013 14:52 , Christoph Seger it! ;-)
Even more "wow!!" now.

@Pedrotti: forget my remark about the spots/lines
01.10.2013 14:56 , Müller Björn
Shine, Shine 
The Light of Good Works Shine... Rembrandt, King Crimson, Alberto Pedrotti.
01.10.2013 16:55 , Matthias Knapp
Che dire? 
Mi astengo dal ripetermi.
Ciao, Alvise
01.10.2013 17:07 , Alvise Bonaldo
Your work is always full of surprises. Cheers Bruno.
01.10.2013 18:22 , Bruno Schlenker
Fein und differenziert aufgenommen.
Gruss Walter
01.10.2013 18:24 , Walter Schmidt
Phantastisch, dieses herrliche Pano vermittelt auch noch den Eindruck, man könne Sterne (rechter Bildrand) am hellichten Tag erkennen!
Gruß Klaus
01.10.2013 18:39 , Klaus Brückner
01.10.2013 19:10 , Thomas Janeck
This lighting is certainly more beautiful.
01.10.2013 20:11 , Giuseppe Marzulli
01.10.2013 22:46 , Peter Brandt
Like your Marmarole series a lot - this pano is the most impressive!

01.10.2013 22:58 , Andreas Starick
Thanks to everybody for commenting.
I forgot what is perhaps the most important technical detail: the tripod consisted of a sufficiently smooth stone that I found close to the would-be Madonna - I write would-be since in the darkness I was not able lo locate the statue, although not far: I was to discover it only the next morning. Putting thin stones under the zoom I "fine tuned" the orientation. I shot every picture typically two or three times in order to get a decent result. Unfortunately, that the stone did not carry the label Manfrotto can be seen at the very right end, where the view suddenly stops after Cima Bagni, instead of allowing the far ridge to meet the close Marmarole, as would have been natural. Actually, the machinery that I had built firmly refused to allow a further rotation; since it was late and also rather cool, the will to fight any longer was indeed weak.
Christoph: according to the Exif data, the "shooting session" lasted from 21.35 to 22.10. Maybe a Manfrotto would speed up the operations but then... how much would it slow down the bicycle approach??
The uneven quality of the single shots, which is a bit forgiven by the 500 pixel, comes out in full when inspecting . As a bonus, however, one can locate the dim light of the Rifugio Pian di Cengia - Büllelejochhütte, or see features like the Cengia Gabriella exalted by the moonlight.
Concerning the latter: at the point where I set the white label, the Cengia turns around a little ridge and, when coming from NE, behind the close marked tower one has the sudden apparition of the Marmarole with the Antelao like a sentinel behind them. I think that this is one of the most breathtaking moments that one can enjoy in the whole Dolomites.
01.10.2013 23:43 , Pedrotti Alberto
Eine erhellende Beschreibung der Bilder-Produktion für dieses beeindruckende Panorama. Danach kann man sich vorstellen, daß man 3 Stunden nach Sonnenuntergang noch solchen hellblauen Himmel erreichen kann.
Mir gefällt hier hier besonders, wie schön man die Spitzen der Cadini-Gruppe von Osten aus sehen kann. Das ist mir bei meinem - natürlich viel tiefer liegenden - Besuch des Monte Agudo #5737 nicht gelungen.
02.10.2013 12:26 , Heinz Höra
Der linke Teil noch in der Sonne und rechts ist schon düster. Dann noch mit Hilfe eines improvisierten "Stativ" 30 Sec. belichtet. Eine ausserordentliche Leistung mit einem super Ergebnis.
02.10.2013 20:24 , Markus Schwendimann
very well done!!
02.10.2013 20:55 , Michael Strasser
ich denke, links scheint die Sonne auch nicht mehr :-)

03.10.2013 11:58 , Christoph Seger
Awesome, Alberto!!!

Tanti saluti, Hans-Jörg
03.10.2013 12:24 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Thanks to everybody!

Ja, mit der Sonne sieht der Cristallo etwas anders aus: z.B. oder
03.10.2013 14:27 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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