Fuoco fra Fontanella e Fravort   133372
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1 Fontanella, 2036
2 Panarotta, 2002
4 Becco di Filadonna, 2152
6 Malga Montagna Granda
7 Marzola, 1738
9 Palone, 2090
10 Pergine, 480
11 Celva, 994
12 Carè Alto, 3462
13 Kamaus, 1330
14 Calisio, 1096
15 Cima Tosa, 3178
17 Cima Brenta, 3150
18 Stoana, 1770
20 Dosso di Costalta, 1955
21 Oscivart, 2284
22 Ski spur
23 Fravort, 2347
24 Cimadasta, 2847
25 "Konfernos" ridge
26 Castelletto, 2337
27 Agaro, 2060
28 Coppolo, 2069


Location: La Fontanella (2036 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Fleimstaler Alpen      Date: 06-12-2008
Yes, I know what you are thinking: This man shows us always the same place, and indeed that is true, the present one being perhaps my panorama N.9990 from La Fontanella: es hat sich eine Schlange gebildet!
But, from a panoramic point of view, I truly like the place. This was shot few minutes after N.13777, with the shadow on the right side which was getting progressively more shallow and more violet, perhaps due to the action of the light reflected by the cloud in the upper left corner, which was rapidly moving.
Nine horizontal images with the Canon Powershot G7.


Dear Alberto
What an impressiv picture. What a perfect quality! Congratulations !!
Herzlichst Christoph
2013/11/14 22:45 , Christoph Seger
a really special moment! The perfect reason to go up there again, again, and again, as you mentioned before.
2013/11/14 22:52 , Michael Strasser
Thank you for commenting.
Christoph: as for atmosphere, yes, there is a certain "Stimmung".
As for quality... mmmmmh. Some of the original pictures are totally blurred, due to camera shake - the photographer was wildly shivering due to bitterly cold temperatures. But, while some years ago I was honest and I regretted to publish the picture, now I am no longer such, and I thought that the 500 would forgive everything.
[Acquiring wisdom with age I realized that a honest person in Italy is totally out of place]
Michael: sometimes in winter, if there is enough snow, I like to go to school by train, and then I return by skis traversing Fontanella and Fravort, following the route shown here:
2013/11/14 23:13 , Pedrotti Alberto
Alberto davvero splendidi colori e una splendida atmosfera, come hai potuto trattenere l'unica a lungo?

Cordiali saluti
2013/11/15 00:28 , Gerhard Eidenberger
bellissimo! Auguri
2013/11/15 14:53 , Sieber Toni
Gerhard: kein Problem für mich, es war schon seit lange auf Picasa und Panoramio, zwei oder drei macht nichts...
Nur, mit der ehemaligen Version www.panoramio.com/photo/74732885 hätte ich hier vielleicht 9990 negative Bewertungen bekommen!
Auch lustig: am vorigen Abend (05-12-2008) war ich in Arco - Stadt des Rock Masters. Dort gibt es jedes Jahr ein Wettbewerb: "Protagonista per una sera", das heisst: "Hauptdarsteller für einen Abend", ein Wettbewerb für Amateurs. Mein Titel war "Mediterraneo", 360 Fotos aus einer Fahrradreise von 5700 km... weiss nicht ob ich damit letzter oder vorletzter gekommen bin!! Ich habe aus Arco keine Nachricht mehr bekommen.
So: viel besser Fotos machen, als Fotos zeigen...
2013/11/15 17:06 , Pedrotti Alberto
Grazie per la vostra risposta rapida e, inoltre, in tedesco, non è, ovviamente, e mi piace molto a voi.

Tanti saluti
2013/11/16 01:08 , Gerhard Eidenberger
Un spettacolo dei colori 
oder wie sagt man auf Italienisch? LG
2013/11/16 17:37 , Matthias Knapp
Uno spettacolo di colori!
2013/11/16 18:10 , Pedrotti Alberto
Your Fravort is my favorite! Regards Peter
2013/11/16 20:12 , Peter Brandt
großartig! LG Alexander
2013/11/16 23:06 , Alexander Von Mackensen
Lg Hans
2013/11/20 14:42 , Hans Diter
2013/11/22 22:05 , Kathrin Teubl

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Pedrotti Alberto

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