A look over Lugano   63494
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1 Monte Campo dei Fiori 1226m
2 Monte Rosa 4634m
3 Monte Nudo 1235m
4 Monte Piambello 1129m
5 Strahlhorn 4190m
6 Dom 4545m
7 Weissmies 4023m
8 Fletschhorn 3993m
9 Morcote 277m
10 Monte Zeda 2156m
11 Monte Leone 3553m
12 Monte Limidario 2188m
13 Monte Lema 1621m
14 Brusino - Arsizio 273m
15 Carona 599m
16 Pizzo di Vogorno 2442m
17 Melide 274m
18 Monte San Salvatore 912m
19 Lugano 273m
20 Lago di Lugano 271m
21 Monte Brè 925m
22 Campione d'Italia 273m
23 Monte Boglia 1516m
24 Camoghè 2227m
25 Sighignola 1320m
26 Pizzo di Gino 2245m
27 Monte Bregagno 2107m
28 Monte Generoso 1701m


Aufnahmestandort: Monte San Giorgio (1097 m)      Fotografiert von: Fabrizio Foppiani
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 6-2-2014

Monte San Giorgio: a small summit but in my opinion has one of the best views on the lake Lugano.

I used a very soft hdr for this panorama, just to have a better contrast on snowy mountains, keeping the original atmosphere and colours.

8 Vertical Images from 16 RAW files with two different exposures:
ISO-80 F/8 1/200 and 1/80 sec
Time: 14.32
Focal Length (35mm): 28mm


Nicely presented, the lake, the area of the exclave and of course the mountains.
Out of interest: When you say "soft HDR", is it the internal HDR (Active D Lighting) functionality or externally processed ? VG.
07.02.2014 21:00 , Michael B.
Honestly i haven't tried to use the d lighting yet, i processed the two pictures with different exposure at home, i said "soft" because i noticed that HDR tends to create an unreal scene
07.02.2014 21:20 , Fabrizio Foppiani
Monte San Giorgio has really a better view on lake Lugano than Monte Generoso how I see compared to my old panorama # 890.
I especially like that you look as nice the peninsula from Morcote to Carona.
The views of the mountains of the main Alpine ridge is well worked out, but the Bernese Alps are unlikely to see.
Your method of soft-HDR is an interesting approach.
08.02.2014 18:40 , Heinz Höra
I like it much!
08.02.2014 19:46 , Christian Hönig
Incredible view! Fantastic! Reminds me a little bit of Stefano Calderas great Panoramics long time ago..

Cari saluti Seb
10.02.2014 21:51 , Sebastian Becher
più la guardo... più mi piace... Ciao Gianluca.
10.02.2014 23:48 , Gianluca Moroni

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Fabrizio Foppiani

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