Tschenglser Hochwand - 360 degrees - reedit   23859
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1 Weißkugel
2 Wildspitze
3 Fineilspitze
4 Similaun
5 Hintere Schwarze
6 Hochwilde
7 Texelspitze
8 Tschenglser Hochwand/Croda di Cengles
9 Zufritspitze
10 Hochofenwand
11 Hohe Angelusspitze
12 Vertainspitze
13 Presanella
14 Monte Cevedale
15 Punta San Matteo
16 Suldenspitze
17 Pizzo Tresero
18 Königspitze
19 Monte Zebrú
20 Ortler
21 Hintere Schöneck
22 Geisterspitze
23 Piz Palü
24 Piz Bernina
25 Monte Scorluzzo
26 Piz Morteratsch
27 Piz Corvatsch
28 Punta Rosa
29 Piz Languard
30 Piz Julier
31 Piz Platta
32 Piz d`Err
33 Piz Ela
34 Piz Kesch
35 Pederfick
36 Piz Vadret
37 Piz Sarsura
38 Flüela Weisshorn
39 Piz Plavna Dadaint
40 Piz Linard
41 Piz Buin
42 Augstenspitze
43 Fluchthorn
44 Stammerspitz
45 Muttler
46 Piz Mundin
47 Hoher Riffler


Location: Croda di Cengles (3375 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Ortler Alpen      Date: 1.08.2013


Without much further ado all in a sudden such a masterpiece. What an astonishing improvement in your workflow - this deserves an extra point!

Allerherzlichst Christoph
2014/06/05 20:40 , Christoph Seger
For extra star :). BTW - my panorama - http://www.alpen-panoramen.de/panorama.php?pid=24240 is published in German Roadbike Magazine - issue 6/2014 - in head of text about "Endura Alpentraum" race.
2014/06/05 20:48 , Konrad Sus

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Konrad Sus


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