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1 Monte Verena, 2015
2 Val d'Assa
3 Santa Zita
4 Monumento


Aufnahmestandort: Santa Zita (1400 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Vizentiner Alpen      Datum: 07-01-2015
Yesteday, after playing the organ at a funeral in Luserna, the little Cimbro-speaking village at the southern border of Trentino, I lingered several hours studying J. S. Bach... As a result, when the time definitely came to go home, the scenario around me had already turned the way that you see here.
Depicted is the little chapel of Santa Zita, which was built in 1917 by the Austrians, who had some 500 soldiers buried in this meadow, and who named the chapel after the empress Zita di Borbone-Parma.
Who was born in Capezzano Pianore, in the vicinity of Viareggio!!
Demolished at the end of the Forties, it was rebuilt recently by the Italian Alpini and consecrated jointly by the bishops of Trento and Innsbruck in Summer 2008.
Maybe next summer, among the trenchs of Vezzena, there will be a performance of Faure's Requiem and Cantique de Jean Racine - at least, we are beginning to work on this...
The title, meaning: "the meadows will come back", is set after a film directed by Ermanno Olmi and shot during the winter 2013-14 in this land of open meadows, with the plot developing all in a single WW1 winter night. The cover image of the film is


very well done! maybe you should publish the exact date of the concert in summer in time, so we can plan our visit there.
08.01.2015 22:47 , Michael Strasser
I agree - a concert of you would be a perfect opportunity to go south.
08.01.2015 22:51 , Christoph Seger
Forse potrei venire anche io.
08.01.2015 23:14 , Giuseppe Marzulli
May the Light of Freedom 
shine like this in the Darkness.
08.01.2015 23:43 , Matthias Knapp
Many thanks to you all.
Of course, if the project will advance towards realization, I will be very interested and pleased to communicate the date in due time.
Consider, however, that the organization challenges, in a case like this, are absolutely non-negligible!!
09.01.2015 00:31 , Pedrotti Alberto
In questo ultimo anno sono usciti due film sulla Grande Guerra nelle nostre montagne. Oltre a quello di Olmi segnalo, se già non ne fossi a conoscenza, "Lacrime delle Dolomiti di Sesto" girato appunto in zona Tre Cime. Qualità differente, come ovvio (Olmi sa il fatto suo), ma secondo me stessa lodevole intenzione. Devo ancora vedere "torneranno i prati" (t minuscola), mentre l'altro è stato proiettato in anteprima a Natale a San Candido.
Ciao, Alvise
09.01.2015 09:03 , Alvise Bonaldo
Non sopravvalutare la mia cultura cinematografica, figurati che l'altro giorno mi sono guardato Mediterraneo di Salvatores scaricato da Internet! Come dire: sono indietro di qualche decennio...
Comunque quello dei prati credo che prima o poi dovrò proprio andarlo a vedere!
14.01.2015 23:13 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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