Masi della montagna   23109
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1 Montibelleri
2 Ciolino
3 Borgo Valsugana, 385
4 Colgioneri
5 Cima Undici, 2228
6 Cima Dodici, 2334
7 Monte Trentin, 2321
8 Monte Zaccon, 1120
9 Marter


Aufnahmestandort: Maso Colgioneri (809 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 07-02-2015
"Masi" is the name of the little groups of houses widely spread above Roncegno, the municipality where I live, at a height ranging between 535 m (the main village) and 1750 m (the highest inhabited spots, right below the Fravort).
Of course places like these suffer the threat of abandon: with few exceptions, young people are no longer willing/able to rise to the challenge of living here, and they move down into the valley. Consequently, as it is said, "every time that the old man dies, the woods eat up an acre of terrain".
Indeed, a picture that I shot six days before ( also featured the old man at work but, despairing for his readability at 500 pixel, I opted for the present, no-man-at-all, version.
In detail, this is Maso Colgioneri: nearly all the "masi" end with the suffix -eri, coming from a family name in -er (Beber, Boccher, Montibeller, Rincher, Roner a.s.o.), revealing a German origin. Namely, this S flank of the mountain is like an appendix of the linguistic island of Valle dei Mocheni - Bersntol, lying just on the other side of the Fravort (itself a corruption of Frau-wart, twinned with the nearby Oscivart, namely, Haus-wart, which you can find in my previous pano).
This for the names. As for the colours, you can see that I stuck to the original ones of that cold, late winter afternoon...
8 HF, Canon G1X, 40 mm equiv, f/5.6, 1/200 sec.


Sehr stimmungsvoll!
LG & behüt Dich Gott,
23.02.2015 22:29 , Christian Hönig
Fantastische (Hoch)Nebelstimmung! Wunderbares Panorama!
LG Seb
26.02.2015 17:44 , Sebastian Becher

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Pedrotti Alberto

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