No Mendelssohn and no moon   43202
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1 Becco di Filadonna, 2152
2 Centa San Nicolò
3 Pian dei Pradi
4 Tre Cime di Bondone, 2140
5 Le Viote, 1500
6 Vattaro
7 Palone, 2090
8 Caldonazzo
9 Carè Alto, 3462
10 Vigolo
11 Bosentino
12 Calceranica
13 Marzola, 1738
14 Lago di Caldonazzo
15 Cima Tosa, 3173
16 Valcanover
17 Cima Brenta, 3150
18 Tenna
19 San Matteo, 3678
20 Paganella, 2121
21 Lago di Levico
22 San Cristoforo
23 Calisio, 1096
24 Celva, 990
25 Ortles, 3905
26 Civezzano
27 Fai della Paganella
28 Pèrgine, 480
29 Lévico
30 Sternai, 3443
31 Gioveretto, 3439
32 Orecchia di Lepre, 3257
33 Palla Bianca, 3738
34 Compet, 1380
35 Similaun, 3606
36 Vetriolo, 1490
37 Hehe Wilde, 3480
38 Hinterer Seelenkogel, 3470
39 Pan bi Zucchero, 3507, 110 km
40 Panarotta, 2002


Location: Roof of the fort "Spitz Verle" (1908 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Vizentiner Alpen      Date: 25-10-2015
Last Sunday, I was at the organ in Luserna studying the third Sonata by Mendelssohn, the one based on Luther's chorale "Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir"...
At a certain point, I went for the mountain, but soon I felt angry with myself: I was stealing two hours to Mendelssohn while it was dull and cloudy all around. "I will not see anything and, moreover, should I have to play the sonata soon, I would really be in tiefer Not".
Suddenly, when I was close to the summit, there was a little opening in the West. On the other side, the (nearly) full moon, who should have been the main subject of the evening, remained hidden in thick clouds.
Here is what I recorded - mainly in order to keep Mendelssohn and Luther (and my regrets as well) a bit quiet.
There was also a remarkable Fernsicht for such a cloudy day: on one clearly sees Monte Cimone, 210 km far away, in the Appennino between Emilia and Toscana.


I think the three of you had a great evening!
2015/10/30 08:16 , Uta Philipp
Uta: indeed, mountaineering with those two at your side is always an emotion!!
Cheers, Alberto.
2015/10/30 17:49 , Pedrotti Alberto
Bellissima Panoramica con i laghi e le luci, un momento speciale.
Saluti, Patrick
2015/11/01 19:54 , Patrick Runggaldier
Very nice photo!
Regards, Wolfgang
2015/11/04 23:14 , Wolfgang Pessentheiner

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Pedrotti Alberto

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