Night falls on the lake   82860
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1 Civenna
2 Monte Cornet 1330m
3 Limonta
4 Monte Ponciv 1453m
5 Cima del Costone 1614m
6 Monte San Primo 1682m
7 Visgnola
8 Bellagio
9 Monte San Bernando 1351m
10 Monte Comana 1215m
11 Sasso Gordona 1410m
12 Penisola di Lavedo
13 Belllagio - Griante Ferry
14 Lago di Como
15 Lenno
16 Tremezzina
17 Pizzo della Croce 1489m
18 Monte Generoso 1701m
19 Griante
20 Cima della Duaria 1447m
21 Monte di Tremezzo 1700m
22 Monte Crocione 1641m
23 Monte Bronzone 1334
24 Monte Pradè 1607m
25 Il Torrione 1805m
26 Menaggio
27 Monte Cucco 1624m
28 Loveno Sopra Menaggio
29 Piazzo
30 Monte Pidaggia 1528m
31 Logo
32 Ligomeno
33 Monte Lungo 2135m
34 Plesio
35 Varenna
36 Monte Grona 1741m
37 Castello di Vezio
38 Costone del Bregagno 1905m
39 Monte Bregagno 2107m


Aufnahmestandort: Baluardo Varenna (310 m)      Fotografiert von: Fabrizio Foppiani
Gebiet: Bergamasker Alpen      Datum: 08-11-2015

Baluardo is a panoramic spot near Varenna, it's along the famous "Viandante" path.

Time: 17.53
6 Horizontal Images (RAW)
ISO-80 F/6.3
Photos taken from right to left. Shutter speed: 50' 40' 40' 30' 40' 60'
Focal length (35mm): 46mm


Wow, looks great!
09.11.2015 19:26 , Jens Vischer
The softness of the water topped with lights and sunset - can't be any better :-)
09.11.2015 20:14 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
How beautiful !!
09.11.2015 21:34 , Christoph Seger
Le luci che si specchiano nel lago, una panoramica meravigliosa!!
saluti, Patrick
09.11.2015 22:03 , Patrick Runggaldier
09.11.2015 22:18 , Daniel Krähmer
An absolutely stunning photograph! Respect!
Cheers, Wolfgang
10.11.2015 01:26 , Wolfgang Pessentheiner
very well done!!
10.11.2015 16:09 , Michael Strasser
Thank you all! The weather during the day was good and without wind, luckily the reflections in the lake have proved to be nice as thought
10.11.2015 22:29 , Fabrizio Foppiani

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Fabrizio Foppiani

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