Il Nuvolo   32564
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1 Pala di San Martino, 2982
2 Sass Maor, 2814
3 Cima della Madonna, 2754
4 Cima di Val di Roda, 2791
5 La Rosetta, 2743
6 Pavione, 2335
7 Lago di Calaita, 1610
8 Monte Coppolo, 2069
9 Cima Folga, 2436
10 Cimadasta, 2847
11 Bivacco Fiamme Gialle, 3005
12 (Val dei Cantoni)
13 Cimon della Pala, 3184
14 (Passo del Travignolo)
15 LATEMAR, 2846
16 (Vezzana, 3192)
17 Tofane, 3244
18 Cristallo, 3221
19 Lavaredo, 2999
20 Val delle Galline
21 Sorapis, 3205
22 Cima Pape, 2503
23 Pelmo, 3168
24 Civetta, 3220
25 Antelao, 3263
26 Cima delle Comelle, 2951
27 Moiazza, 2878
28 Pale di San Lucano, 2409
29 Cima dei Balconi, 2490
30 Agner, 2872
31 Croda Granda, 2849
32 La Fradusta, 2939


Aufnahmestandort: Il Nuvolo (3075 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 09-09-2016
Il Núvolo can be seen in two ways:
1) as the culmination of long ridge dividing Val delle Galline from Val dei Cantoni. As such, is looks out rather prominent from several standpoints on the Pale;
2) as a side-summit on the normal route to Cima Vezzana. As such, it is commonly thought that it was climbed during the first ascent to the latter, performed by Douglas Freshfield and Charles Tucker, 05-09-1872.

13 HF, Canon G1X, 35 mm equiv, f/5.6, 1/640 sec.

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Che giornata e che bella panoramica.
saluti Patrick
27.11.2016 19:23 , Patrick Runggaldier
Schönes Dolomiten Panorama!
28.11.2016 19:27 , Franz Hallwirth
Einem Gemälde gleich, die von E. T. Compton geschaffen wurden.
28.11.2016 23:02 , Heinz Höra

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Pedrotti Alberto

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