Monte Cola   31851
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1 Fravort, 2347
2 Hoabonti, 2341
3 Cima d'Asta, 2847


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Cola (2264 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 01-04-2018
This is slightly lower than the Hoabonti, but perhaps more panoramic.


Mc Donalds in Valsugana: 
Wouldn't that be a suggestion for a menu in a local Mc-Do-Restaurant: Pannarotta con Monte Cola?
04.04.2018 08:38 , Matthias Knapp
If you want, I have already an interesting recipe based on the Cola:
04.04.2018 12:21 , Pedrotti Alberto
Wow, but this is way to heavy for one meal... 
So should I happen to visit Valsugana once again I will only have some small Antipasti out of your recipe. Probably the SW-ridge of Fravort. Thanks a lot. ;-)
04.04.2018 15:45 , Matthias Knapp

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Pedrotti Alberto

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