Brocken sul Mulaz   31490
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Location: Mulaz (2900 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Dolomiten      Date: 12-08-2021
This Brocken does not come from the Harz; from which summit does it come instead??


The Brocken is meant as Standort in 27212, isn't it?
2021/08/23 22:01 , Peter Brandt
Yes, now that I set the coordinates you find a lot of panoramas in the vicinity...
Cheers, Alberto.
2021/08/24 10:45 , Pedrotti Alberto
Very nice. Next challenge would be a Brocken on the Brocken, but most likely that summit is too wide and flat for such an effect. But where then did the name originate? Cheers, Martin
2021/08/31 20:35 , Martin Kraus

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Pedrotti Alberto

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