Oberaar, Unteraar   41176
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1 Oberaarrothorn, 3477
2 Oberaarhorn, 3630
3 Finsteraarhorm, 4274
4 Vorderer Zinggenstock, 2915
5 Brandlammhoren, 3107
6 Brünberg, 2981
7 Tieralplistock, 3383
8 Vorder Gärstenhorn, 3183
9 Mittl. Gärstenhorn, 3184
10 Hinter Gärstenhorn, 3163
11 Galenstock, 3583


Aufnahmestandort: Panoramastrasse Oberaar (2410 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Berner Alpen      Datum: 15-08-2022
Side tour Gletsch - Grimsel - Oberaar.
Later, a worsening weather suggested to cancel the planned ascent to the Sidelhorn. I only reached the Trübtensee under light rain, so panoramically speaking this is the best that I can show.

Position: 46.55251 8.28081
Larger: http://bit.ly/3VQoU5C


Water and energy on two levels! Cheers Peter
20.11.2022 14:37 , Peter Brandt
beatiful clouds and ... 
interesting view with wide angular lens. I remember the glacier ending directly in the Oberaar Lake. Best regards Alexander
20.11.2022 18:00 , Alexander Von Mackensen
Also the Unteraar does no longer end in the Grimsel lake.
And who knows whether nowadays one can see the big boulder which protected the so called "Hugi refuge", built in 1827 on the central moraine, the one originating at the "Abschwung" and dividing the Lauteraar and Finsteraar branches. It was recorded that in the first years it moved down at a speed of 110 m per year, since in 1839 Agassiz found the refuge unscathed, but 1300 m far away.
20.11.2022 19:40 , Pedrotti Alberto
Great scenery. Took me some time to look up pictures from 2009, when we walked from here to Finsteraarhornhütte. Cheers, Martin
20.11.2022 19:55 , Martin Kraus

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Pedrotti Alberto

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