Grignetta I - 360°   95359
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1 M.Rai 1261m
2 M.Cornizzolo 1241m
3 Corni di Canzo 1373m
4 Cantu' (Stefano heimat)
5 M.Bolettone 1317m
6 M.Boletto 1236m
7 M.Bisbino 1325m
8 Colmegnone 1383m
9 M.S.Primo 1682m
10 M.Rosa 4638m
11 M.Generoso 1704m
12 Alphubel 4206m
13 Mischabel 4545m
14 Weissmies 4023m
15 Lago di Como 197m
16 M.Tremezzo 1700m
17 M.Crocione 1641m
18 Bellagio
19 M.Grona 1736m
20 M.Bregagno 2107m
21 Grigna N 2410m
22 P.zo Alto 2512m
23 P.zo Ligoncio 3032m
24 P.zo Badile 3305m
25 P.zo Cengalo 3369m
26 P.zo Rotondo 2495m
27 di Castello 3375m
28 M.Sissone 3330m
29 P.zo Mellasc 2465m
30 M.Disgrazia 3678m
31 Piz Bernina 4049m
32 Piz Zupo' 3996m
33 Piz Palu' 3901m
34 P.zo Tre Signori 2554m
35 P.ta Painale 3248m
36 M.Ponteranica 2378m
37 Biv.Ferrario
38 Barbesino 2156m
39 Grigna S 2184m
40 Campelli 2161m
41 di Piazzo 2057m
42 P.zo Farno 2506m
43 M.Aralalta 2009m
44 M.Sodadura 2010m
45 P.zo Presolana 2421m
46 P.Arera 2512m
47 M.Alben 2019m
48 M.Sordanello 1580m
49 M.Due Mani 1666m
50 Costa del Palio
51 Canto Alto 1146m
52 Resegone 1877m
53 M.Albenza 1424m
54 M.Tesoro 1432m
55 Lago di Olginate 197m
56 Lago di Garlate 197m
57 M.Crocione 895m
58 M.Coltignone 1473m
59 M.Barro 922m


Aufnahmestandort: Grigna Meridionale (2184 m)      Fotografiert von: Marco Nipoti
Gebiet: Bergamasker Alpen      Datum: 24 August 2008
Die Prinzessin von Bergamasker an einem schönen Spätsommertag

Pano aus 26 Querformat-Aufnahmen.
Blickwinkel 360°

EXIF Daten der erste Aufnahme
Modell: Canon Powershot G7
Orig. Datum Zeit: 24.08.08 08:58 Uhr
Orig. Aufnahmen in JPG
Belichtungszeit 1/640 s
Brennweite 35mm
ISO 80
Org. Grösse : 23375x3350 (78 MPixel)


A perfectly built panorama! Great sight! I'd love to come back to the Grigne on such a summer day as you had last Sunday! - Tanti saluti, dirk
28.08.2008 13:21 , Dirk Becker
@Dirk: tell Stefano and me, when you'll make up your mind :-)
28.08.2008 14:42 , Marco Nipoti
3,5 * 
Ein schönes Pano. Lediglich der nach links und rechts etwas abfallende Horizont trübt den Gesamteindruck etwas. 3,5 Sterne. LG Johann
28.08.2008 16:53 , Johann Ilmberger
Trotz Horizont gerne 4........
28.08.2008 17:30 , Jannis Gligoris
Spektakulär!! Vorallem das Bivacco als Gipfelkreuz - Ersatz kommt sehr gut rüber! LG seb
28.08.2008 20:05 , Sebastian Becher
@Johann: thanks. For what concernes horizon, it's a very controversal stuff. In the leftmost and rightmost corner of the picture the horizon falls, since there is the plain. The effect is of a falling horizon, I don't know how much could it be amplified by the difficult stitching, due to many contact points in foreground, but I didn't want to cut out beautiful Grignetta rocks.
Anyway I made a small fix to further straighten it. Please let me know what do you think about it.
28.08.2008 20:49 , Marco Nipoti
@Seb: thanks. Actually there is also the cross, but the perspective and the fact that it's filled with rocks and other stuff makes it not easily recognizable.
The "Bivacco Ferrario" was built in 1968, in the right middle of the Space mania, so it resembles a starship :-)
28.08.2008 20:54 , Marco Nipoti
Absolutly fascinating... 
...Marco again on his mountain of first love (:-)))
29.08.2008 10:36 , Fredy Haubenschmid
No man on the top! Never seen it!! ;)
29.08.2008 14:45 , Stefano Caldera

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Marco Nipoti

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