Wurmkogel, Hochgurgl.   25064
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Aufnahmestandort: Wurmkogel, Hochgurgl - Above the Top Mountain Star. (3082 m)      Fotografiert von: Paul Chater
Gebiet: Ötztaler Alpen      Datum: 21.08.2012
Viewing the Otztal from close to the summit of the Wurmkogel.

Canon 7D 17-55mm lens f9 1/250 sec ISO100


Dear Paul
welcome to a.-p. Quite a good picture for a starting-pano! A bit more sharpness and a bit less saturation (try to remind how the scenery looked in reality) would be benefical. In addition maybe it would be better to exclude the people on the righthand side of the picture. What strikes me and what I can not explain is: why is the picure on the left and right side so much compressed? What typ of projection did you use ??
kind regards Christoph
27.10.2012 20:53 , Christoph Seger
Hi Chiristoph,
Many thanks for your constructive comments. Since discovering a-p and p-p a few months ago, I have been inspired by you and some many other contributors to attempt this art of panoramic photos. Since my first visit to the Alps in the 1970's I've loved this region. Specially Obergurgl and Schladming, where I've spent many happy hours skiing. The Wurmkogel is one of my favourite ski slopes; beneath the chairlift. So I wanted to capture the view during this summer's visit. As you have pointed out, I've had a few problems mastering the projection and compression. Following your helpful comments, I've reviewed and altered settings in PSE and PTgui. The projection was set on cylindrical and the image reduction size may not have been constrained correctly. Also I've cropped and reduced the saturation; but it should be noted, I'd used a polarize filter on the lens which will enhance colour saturation.

Once again, yours comments are very helpful and much appreciated. Kind regards, Paul.
29.10.2012 13:43 , Paul Chater

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Paul Chater

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