A very easy riddle   81993
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1 Signalkuppe / Punta Gnifetti 4554m
2 Jägerhorn 3970m
3 Zumsteinspitze 4563m
4 Nordend 4609m
5 Dufourspitze 4634m
6 Vincentpiramid 4215m
7 Stockhornpass, 3398
8 Lyskamm Ostgipfel, 4.527 m
9 Lyskamm Westgipfel
10 Stockhorn 3532m
11 Castor, 4.208 m
12 Rote Nase 3254m
13 Pollux, 4.094 m
14 Hohtälli 3273m
15 Younggrat
16 Gornergrat 3090m
17 Breithorn Westgipfel, 4.165 m
18 Gobba di Rollin 3899m
19 Klein Matterhorn 3883m
20 Testa Grigia
21 Trockener Steg 2939m
22 Furggsattel 3349m
23 Schwarzsee
24 Hörnlihütte 3260m
25 Matterhorn, 4.478 m
26 Dent d'Hérens, 4.178 m
27 Wellenkuppe
28 Ober Gabelhorn


Location: Bergamo-Paris Flight      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Walliser Alpen      Date: 30 June 2016


stunning! gorgeous! einmalig! this wonderful blade like mountain to the right. how isolated it is. I think this isolation matters a lot ...
2017/11/12 16:22 , Christoph Seger
Not a riddle at all ;-) But a phantastic view. Even from up here, civilisation's marks in one of the wildest areas of the continent can be clearly seen. Cheers, Martin
2017/11/12 16:29 , Martin Kraus
what a phantastic view and not really difficult to find. I'm sure you will us present more panos of this flight ;-)) LG Alexander
2017/11/12 16:42 , Alexander Von Mackensen
Ok. It was too easy. I hope someone wants to put labels.
2017/11/12 16:51 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Have started with some labels, including the less orthodox, the places affected by civilisation, and previous panoramic viewpoints - but won't do it alone, please join...
2017/11/12 17:03 , Martin Kraus
Very nice!
2017/11/12 17:38 , Danko Rihter
I inserted the Stockhornpass where once, while traversing from Britannia - Adlerpass to the Monterosa Hütte, and well protected against the strong reflection, I was greeted by an Englishman with British humour: "Well, I think that we have also a Muslim woman today here on the mountain".
2017/11/12 19:31 , Pedrotti Alberto
To remain on the subject Englishmen. I also marked the Younggrat to the East Breithorn, due to its elegance in this light. The other outstanding Younggrat, namely, that to the Grand Gendarme of the Weisshorn, is just ij front, but outside the picture.
2017/11/12 19:38 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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