Le Laste dell'Antelao   4833
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Location: Laste dell'Antelao (2630 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Dolomiten      Date: 03-08-2022
The Antelao was the highest summit in my summer tour of the Alps. I had no summit view, because of the clouds hiding all the summits above 3000 m.
However, it was an interesting day. Start little outside Calalzo, at 850 m, and transfer by bicycle the the Capanna degli Alpini, 1395 m, via a road which very often reduces to a track in the middle of a wide, white, dry and stony riverbed.
From the Capanna, by foot up to Rifugio Galassi, Forcella Piccola, and through the well-known ridge called Le Laste, o the top, at 3264 m.
After the major rockfall which destroyed the Bivacco Piero Cosi (3111 m) the upper section of Le Laste has become remarkably more difficult than I remembered from ancient times. I would recommend to bring at least 30 m of rope to secure the trickiest stretches, especially in the descent. Several pitons are now in place for this sake.
Perhaps because of this increased difficulty the ferrata which helped the exposed access to the Laste stretch has now been dismantled, and also the residual red spots are at times contradictory and nearly misleading.
However, acting with care the Antelao remains a wonderful summit - actually, the highest that one could reach this summer in the Dolomites, with the Marmolada closed and guarded by the police.
The i-Tüpfelchen of of my Antelao day was the immersion in a pool formed by the water flowing from (what remains of) the Antelao glacier. Alas, also this glacier brings my mind to the word "police". Namely, after an accident which took place in 2018 in the Oppel couloir, with two dead, there was a popular demand for the police to guard the access to the glacier (!?!?).
Indeed, we live in globally difficult times... even in the remotest corners of the high mountains, life seems to become all but plain and easy.


Hoffe, es folgt noch ein (königliches) Gipfelpanorama!
2022/10/10 21:22 , Michael Strasser
Hier sind 
vor ein paar Jahren einige Steine abgeschmiert...
2022/10/10 21:41 , Matthias Knapp
La parte sinistra della foto 
è assolutamente paradigmatica. Quelle sono "quelle" per antonomasia. La cosa curiosa però è che la lampadina in testa me l'ha accesa un dettaglio lontano, una (relativamente) piccola torretta appoggiata sul fianco di una grande montagna-madre...
Foto fatta in salita o in discesa?
Ciao, Alvise
2022/10/11 08:54 , Alvise Bonaldo
lungo la normale dell'Antelao?
Sorapis tra le nubi, Belpra e Scotter in vista

2022/10/11 12:06 , Luca Imberti

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Pedrotti Alberto

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