Monviso   77384
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1 Vieux Chaillol 3163m
2 Le Sirac 3440m
3 L'Olan 3564m 74km
4 Les Bans 3669m
5 Mont Pelvoux 3946 m
6 Barre des Écrins 4102 m
7 L'Asti 3287m
8 Grand Pic de la Meije 3982m
9 Aigulle du Goleon 3427m
10 Aigulle Centrale d'Arves 3513m 78km
11 Grand Claiza 3293m
12 Roche Bernaude 3222m 60km
13 Pain de Sucre 3208 m
14 Aigulle de Peclet 3561m
15 Aiguille de Scolette 3506m
16 La Dent Parrachée 3697m 74km
17 Dome de Chasseforet 3586m
18 Pointe Ferrand 3365m 55km
19 La Grande Casse 3855m 55km
20 Mont Blanc 4807 m
21 Aiguille de la Grande Sassière 3747m 93km
22 Pointe de Charbonnel 3752m
23 Duforspitze 4643 m
24 Poebene
25 Monte Mogioie 2630m 78km
26 Punta Marguareis 2651m
27 Mont Clapier 3045m 67km
28 Mont Gelas 3143m 65km
29 Cime de L'Agnel 2927m 61km
30 Cima Argentera 3297 m
31 Monte Matto 3097m 51km
32 Rocca di Valmiana 3006m 51km
33 Mont Malivern 2938m
34 Mont Saint Saveur 2711m
35 Rocca Meia 2831m
36 Tete de L'Autaret 2761m 49km
37 Monte Laroussa 2905m
38 Mont Mounier 2817m
39 Mont Tenibre 3031m 44km
40 Clai Superieur 2982m
41 Mont Rougnous 2673m
42 Monte Chersogno 3026m
43 Tete de Moise 3104m 28km
44 Le Trou de L'Aigle 2961m 53km
45 Mont Pelat 3050m 54km
46 Le Cimet 3020m
47 Tete de Sautron 3155m
48 Le Grand Cheval de Bois 2839m 55km
49 Rocca Blanca 3193m 26km
50 Tete de L'Estrop 2961m 63km
51 Brec de Chambeyron 3389m 24km


Location: Monviso (3841 m)      by: Andrea Rolando
Area: Cottische Alpen      Date: 2008/08/10
A 360° panorama from the top of Monviso (3841m). As usual during the warm summer days, clouds are soaring from the Italian side (east), while the sky on the French half is clear. The view sweeps over the foggy plain and the whole western range of the Alps.


for the first panorama of this impressive mountain. You got a really good day. Do you have a tele-vision of the northen summets between Écrins and Monte Rosa? As far as I could regnozise I added some names to the summits. Best regards Alexander
2010/06/20 21:14 , Alexander Von Mackensen
Finally the most prominent summit of the South Alps is present on this page, thank you and congratulation! The quality is very good, only the orientation should start at 250° on the left side. I agree with Alexander, if you have also a tele version available please add! LG Christoph
2010/06/20 21:53 , Christoph Hepp
Yes I also wondered why it took so long to see te view from the Monviso. Well it is finally here. Congratulations! The panorama seems compressed horizontally for a 360 degrees view.Which lense did you use?
2010/06/20 22:50 , Mentor Depret
Enigma of summit 
Bravo Andrea.
Enigma : this beautiful panorama confirms me of what I think. When I climbed the Viso (in the same conditions), I went on the western summit which bothers the view. I found that the cross bothered much less the view... Nevertheless maps or guides do not distinguish these 2 summits !
For me, the peak is not the Cross but this western summit (rather easily accessible except this crest of snow exposed). No ?
2010/06/21 11:58 , Bertrand Mandon
Thank you all for your feedback and your kind appreciation!
I'll post some more panoramas from the Ecrins and the western Italian Alps, stay tuned! In the meanwhile, you can enjoy (and contribute to) a virtual tour of this area here:

By the way:
I took the pano from the eastern summit, which is referred to as the traditional top of Monviso. The ridge that links the two summits is quite narrow, and the altitude is almost the same. However, the view from the cross is far better on the Italian rather than on the French side. But I'm not that confident I'll be back soon to shoot an other panorama :-)
14 pictures, Nikon D80+18-70@18, hand held and slightly tilted down, stitched with PtGui and corrected with PS4.

2010/06/22 20:06 , Andrea Rolando
fantastic picture! nice mountain! please more.. greetz Seb
2010/06/24 09:12 , Sebastian Becher
Very nice panoramic! If you have a zoomed picture, I would be interested also. Thanks.
2011/02/01 22:17 , sudrak

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Andrea Rolando

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