Rocciamelone   47798
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1 Grande Casse 3835 m
2 La Grande Motte 3653 m
3 Mont Pourri 3782 m
4 Mont Blanc 4807 m
5 Pointe de Charbonnel 3752 m
6 l'Albaron 3637 m
7 Gran Paradiso 4061 m
8 Duforspitze 4643 m
9 Poebene
10 Monte Viso 3841 m
11 Susa
12 Gipfelkapelle
13 Mont Pelvoux 3946 m
14 Stausee am Mont Cenis
15 Dent Parachée 3697 m


Aufnahmestandort: Rocciamelone, Valle di Susa (3538 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Rolando
Gebiet: Grajische Alpen      Datum: 24/8/2008
Rocciamelone stands on the left side of the middle Valle di Susa, next to the border with France.
Its profile is easily recognizable from almost the whole Piedmont, and back in the Middle Age this mountain was supposed to be the highest in the Alps, and it was worshipped and feared with devotion.
Bonifacius Rotarius of Asti made the first ascent of Rocciamelone in 1358, to bring a small metal image of the Holy Virgin as a gesture of gratitude for having survived captivity in the Holy Land during the crusades.
The summit of Rocciamelone is the destination of a traditional pilgrimage, held every year on August 5th.
A three metre high statue of the Virgin Mary was erected there in 1899.
Due to the easy access, its history and the sweeping panorama, Rocciamelone is one of the most frequented summits in this range of the Alps.


13.07.2010 21:22 , Stefano Caldera
Very good!!
13.07.2010 21:28 , Hans Diter
you got the better weather than I, congratulation! Could you take a tele panorama between Monte Rosa and Écrins, it would be nice to see. Look to the glacier and compare it with my own panorama, very sad. It seems that the way from north has become rather difficult, because of the disappearing glacier. In the meantime I added some names; please be so kind and check the compass: Monte Rosa is not in the east, but in the north-east. Best regards Alexander
13.07.2010 21:58 , Alexander Von Mackensen
Thank you Alexander for reporting the orientation issue! I checked up the compass, and it should be more accurate now, even if I still don't utterly understand how it works, and how to set the correct orientation. Any tip?

Yes, the glacier is melting down at an impressive rate, I took the same picture in 2003, and the comparison is astounding.
You can check it out at
(the english translation is not mine!)

The climb up the north face is not much more difficult, but it usually takes a two days-walking starting from Malciaussia.


15.07.2010 10:21 , Andrea Rolando

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Andrea Rolando

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