Il Monte Rosa dal Colle Portola   85055
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Aufnahmestandort: Colle Portola (2410 m)      Fotografiert von: Giuseppe Marzulli
Gebiet: Walliser Alpen      Datum: 25 agosto 2010


another view 
to the Monte Rosa from the South, new here on A-P. Is it possible to add some more names? Best regards Alexander
29.08.2010 22:47 , Alexander Von Mackensen
Bello! Sei stato anche in cima allo Zerbion?
29.08.2010 22:54 , Stefano Caldera
Thank you Alexander for your comment.
Ciao Stefano. Sì, sono stato anche sul Monte Zerbion. Dal Zerbion si vede in pratica tutta la Valle d' Aosta. Inserirò la panoramica.
29.08.2010 23:03 , Giuseppe Marzulli
30.08.2010 01:27 , Arne Rönsch
Great view to the "Monte Rosa" from south.

30.08.2010 09:44 , Jochen Gerlach
30.08.2010 09:50 , Wilfried Malz
nice view to M.Rosa Group!
30.08.2010 10:02 , Uta Philipp
It is good to have the possibility of different view to Monte Rosa! Greetings.
30.08.2010 18:20 , Bruno Schlenker

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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