Agnèr, Pale di S. Lucano, Moiazza   156569
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1 Lastei d' Agner
2 Agner
3 Cima Vezzana
4 Cima dei Bureloni
5 Cime di Focobon
6 3a Pala di S. Lucano
7 2a Pala di S. Lucano
8 Monte S. Lucano
9 1a Pala di S. Lucano
10 Monte Ambrusogn
11 Lastia di Framont
12 Monte Alto di Pelsa
13 F.lla del Camp
14 Tridente del Camp
15 Torri del Camp
16 Campanile dei Zoldani
17 Cimon dei Zoldani
18 Cima delle Nevere
19 Pala delle Masenade
20 Moiazza Sud
21 Pala del Belia
22 Cresta delle Masenade
23 Civetta


Aufnahmestandort: Malga la Foca (1495 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Gasparotto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 28/01/2007


Je dirais "3.5" et pas "4" car il y a un petit aspect qui me gène qui est dur à définir : Je ne sais pas si c'est le réglage de la lumière, des couleurs, du contraste ou de la résolution, mais il y a quelque chose qui fait que la photo me paraît pas 100% naturelle.
31.01.2007 13:36 , Bertrand Mandon
Only sharpening! 
The only post-production work I have made on this pano is a little bit of sharpening with unsharp mask to eliminate some mist. Colors are the beautiful natural colors of a clear winter day in the snowy dolomites...
01.02.2007 08:28 , Andrea Gasparotto
sorry, das Bild ist total überschärft
05.02.2007 15:27 , Kuno Schebdat
what do you mean?? i do not understand...
05.02.2007 19:29 , Andrea Gasparotto
panorama poderoso, visione idilliaca
06.02.2007 13:59 , Stefano Lovison
This is a very impressive scenery. What I - and most likely also Kuno - complain about is much too excessive use of the sharpening-tools. For me it is even much more enyoyable to look at your panorama in the lower-resolution preview ...
07.02.2007 13:45 , Leonard Tieck
Thanks Leonard 
I appreciate your opinion and also your criticism. I believe also that one star is really too poor for the defect you mention.
In any case, it would be better to have seen the original before to express a so "tranchant" (Kuno) be honest the amount of sharpening I have applied is not so high, and corrects the defects of my (very poor indeed) compact camera (Casio QV-R40). I believe the final result is very close to the image I have seen with my eyes....
07.02.2007 17:25 , Andrea Gasparotto
Just took a look on the rest of your panoramas 
I lreally like them. But it seems to me now, that their "unique" look may probably result mostly from the firmware of your camera. You must admit, they look a little bit different from most of the others presented on, and so people easily get the impression that Bertrand describes above: " il y a quelque chose qui fait que la photo me paraît pas 100% naturelle"...
07.02.2007 23:49 , Leonard Tieck
Dolomites ARE really different from other alpine regions....
08.02.2007 08:45 , Andrea Gasparotto
I don`t know, where the problem is. The picture is neither particularly over-sharpened ( a little bit, but like the most panos here), nor it has too strong contrasts. The Dolomites look actually like this ;o). Nice pano Andrea :-)
13.02.2007 11:05 , Michael Brik
No problem ... 
... just my humble opinion ;-) Maybe the panos would even look better choosing a smaller radius of unsharp masking, so that the effect of filtering - or processing in the cam - is not so obvious. See also pano no. 1497, which made me remember this discussion. I really like this pano and with "optical sharpness" it would be a **** for me.

P.S.: Have been there and know about the scenic beauty :-)
28.03.2007 12:05 , Leonard Tieck
what you mean about pano 1497? in your opinion it suffer from the same problem with sharpening or not?
28.03.2007 17:32 , Andrea Gasparotto
I see the same effect in many of your panos, also in no. 1497. Just mentioned no. 1497, as it is the newest one and so I remembered the discussion. It is not easy to describe the impression, but I think I'm not the only one having got it. Examples: Paolo Chiti about no. 1340: "some part of the rockwork looks a bit strange"; Michael Brik about no. 1340: "*artifacts* is not the right word for this" ... "it is difficult to explain, because I don`t know exactly what it is" or Bertrand Mandon about this one: "il y a quelque chose qui fait que la photo me paraît pas 100% naturelle". I think this effects results from the process of unsharp masking. For example looking at no. 1341 you see in the right part, that one single tree at the contrasting snowfield is oversharpened whereas the others are blurred out. So maybe you could try other sharpening methods (for example high-pass etc.) the output of your camera. But you can also ignore it, is really no big problem at all.
28.03.2007 21:52 , Leonard Tieck
OK Leonard, understood, next time I'll try to follow your suggestions, but I think the decisive step would be to buy a new (better) camera....
29.03.2007 12:16 , Andrea Gasparotto
Not a patch on your compact Casio, but a new camera might a reasonable consideration, as your motives are really worthwile ...
29.03.2007 23:20 , Leonard Tieck

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Andrea Gasparotto

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