Bolettone sunset - II   95074
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1 Monte Mongioie 2630m
2 Cima delle Saline 2612m
3 Punta Marguareis 2651m
4 Roche de l'Abisse 2755m
5 Monte Clapier 3045m
6 Monte Gelas 3143m
7 Argentera 3297m - 236km
8 Monte Matto 3088m
9 Punta Maladecia 2745m
10 Monte Tibert 2647m
11 Rocca Meia 2831m
12 Cima di Crosa 2751m
13 Cima delle Lobbie 3015m
14 Punta Michel 3154m
15 Monviso 3481m - 209 km
16 Visolotto 3358m
17 Punta Gastaldi 3210m
18 L'Asti 3287m
19 Crete de la Taillante 3197m
20 Le Grand Queyras 3114m
21 Punta Cialancia 2855m
22 Malpensa Airport
23 Grand Queyron 3060m
24 Punta Vergia 2990m
25 Bric Froid 3302m
26 Cima del Pelvo 3265m
27 Punta Rognosa 3280m
28 Punta Cristalliera 2801m
29 Monte Orsiera 2890m
30 Cima Ciantiplagna 2849m
31 Punta Lunella 2772m
32 Monte Palon 2970m
33 Rocciamelone 3538m
34 La Croce Rossa 3565m
35 Ouille d'Arberon 3554m
36 Pointe de Charbonnel 3752m
37 Uia Bessanese 3592m
38 Uia di Ciamarella 3676m
39 L'Albaron 2640m
40 Roc du Mulinet 3452m
41 Levanna Orientale 3555m
42 Levanna Centrale 3619m
43 Punta Gialin 3270m
44 Torre del Gran San Pietro 3692m
45 Gran Paradiso 4061m - 153km
46 Becca di Montandayne 3838m
47 Herbetet 3778m
48 Grand Serraz 3552m
49 Punta Tersiva 3512m
50 La Grivola 3969m
51 Becca di Vlou 3032m
52 Monte Boletto 1236m
53 Mont Nery 3075m
54 Punta di Soleron 2890m
55 Monte Cossarello 2691m
56 Lago di Varese
57 Punta Berretta del Vescovo 2723m
58 Corno del Pallone 2920m
59 Corno Rosso 2979m
60 Cresta Rossa 2986m
61 Corno Bianco 3320m
62 Testa Grigia 3315m
63 Corno Grosso 3042m
64 Punta Straling 3115m
65 Monte Tagliaferro 2964m
66 Stolemberg 3202m
67 Piramide Vincent 4215m
68 Corno Nero 4321m
69 Ludwigshöhe 4436m
70 Parrotspitze 4432m
71 Punta Gnifetti / Signalkuppe 4554m
72 Zumsteinspitze 4563m
73 Dufourspitze 4634m - 102km
74 Nordend 4609m
75 Cervino - Matterhorn 4478m
76 Cima di Jazzi 3803m
77 Strahlhorn 4190m
78 Rimpfischhorn 4198m
79 Allalinhorn 4027m
80 Alphubel 4206m
81 Täschhorn 4490m
82 Dom 4545m
83 Lenzspitze 4294m
84 Nadelhorn 4327m
85 Pizzo d'Andolla 3653m
86 Weissmies 4017m
87 Lagginhorn 4010m
88 Fletschhorn 3993m
89 Rauthorn 3268m
90 Monte Bisbino 1325m
91 Monte Zeda 2156m
92 Chesselhorn 2981m
93 Monte Leone 3553m
94 Wasenhorn 3447m
95 Bietschhorn 3934m
96 Bortelhorn 3193m
97 Hillehorn 3181m
98 Nesthorn 3822m
99 Helsenhorn 3272m
100 Pioda di Crana 2430m
101 Gischihorn 3080m
102 Cervandone / Scherbadung 3210m
103 Monte Generoso 1701m
104 Finsteraarhorn 4274m - 112km
105 Blinnenhorn 3373m
106 Rothorn 3289m
107 Lauteraarhorn 4042m
108 Pizzo Fiorera 2921m
109 Basodino 3272m
110 Monte Tamaro 1961m


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Bolettone (1310 m)      Fotografiert von: Stefano Caldera
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 28 Oct 2010
51 vertical images
Canon EOS 7D
EF 100-400 L IS
100x1.6=160mm, F/5, 1/50s, ISO 160, handfree


Very nice, and it even gets better with every move to the right. LG Robert
04.11.2010 20:57 , Robert Viehl
Very nice!
I think it's unbelievable that this pano was shoot handfree!
04.11.2010 21:30 , Adri Schmidt
This is excellent!
kind regards Christoph
04.11.2010 22:04 , Christoph Seger
fantastic - excellent quality!
04.11.2010 22:07 , Michael Strasser
Magic Stefano. Interesting refractions in the Monviso region. Best, Peter
05.11.2010 08:36 , Peter Brandt
Wow. Scrolling to the right, you get a real sunset. Peter could be right. The typical forms of refractions are laying in one line with the mist.
05.11.2010 11:14 , Matthias Knapp
I have a zoom picture on the Monviso, I'll put here the link this evening
05.11.2010 13:39 , Stefano Caldera
05.11.2010 19:45 , Stefano Caldera
wonderful scenery - the dark mountains and the lights in the plain. Best regards Alexander
06.11.2010 19:53 , Alexander Von Mackensen

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Stefano Caldera

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