This is one of my favourite mountains, both for its beauty and because it is the highest summit lying wholly inside Trentino.
In this image I left the bleuish hue and the very soft contrast, because I find that they reflect what I actually saw on the Presanella in this early summer day, at 6.30 in the morning.
Having climbed the north couloir in less than one hour, we could enjoy the gift of having this exquisite summit exclusively for us. This lasted indeed few minutes, since many other teams were rapidly approaching the summit cornice, but it was a magical moment nevertheless.
Of course, this was not the right day to allow the view to reach the 220 km far Monte Rosa, but with a clean sky the eye is unmistakably hit by the whiteness of its huge E wall, of which one can even distinguish some features like the Signal ridge or the Marinelli couloir. The Matterhorn is also recognizable from the Presanella, if its E wall is white of snow.
I will add more names.
Sebastian Becher, Stefano Caldera, Gerhard Eidenberger, Manfred Hainz, Johann Ilmberger, P J, Martin Kraus, Gianluca Moroni, Uta Philipp, Danko Rihter, Patrick Runggaldier, Arne Rönsch, Christoph Seger, Michael Strasser, Kathrin Teubl, Anton Theurezbacher, Robert Viehl, Jens Vischer
LG, Toni
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